Passive Mass Transfer: Function, Role & Diseases

Passive mass transport is the diffusion of substrates across a biomembrane. This diffusion occurs along the concentration gradient and does not require energy. The diffusion process may be impaired in the intestines of HIV patients, for example. What is passive mass transfer? Passive solute transport is the diffusion of substrates across the biomembrane of cells … Passive Mass Transfer: Function, Role & Diseases

Signal Transduction: Function, Role & Diseases

Signal transduction is the transmission of external and internal stimuli in the organism. Receptor proteins, second messengers, and enzymes are primarily involved in this signal transduction. Defects in signal transduction underlie most diseases, such as cancer and autoimmune diseases. What is signal transduction? By means of physiological signal transduction or signal transduction, body cells respond … Signal Transduction: Function, Role & Diseases

Hormone Disorders

The substances that roll off the assembly line in hormone glands also sometimes have unpronounceable names. Fortunately, this does not change their effectiveness. Thyroid hormones: thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), calcitonin. Pancreatic hormones: insulin, glucagon. Adrenal hormones: adrenaline, cortisol, aldosterone, dopamine. Parathyroid hormones: parathormone Sex hormones, formed in testes, ovaries, adrenal glands: Androgens, (mainly testosterone), progestins … Hormone Disorders

Hormone Testing

Numerous substances produced by the body transmit messages and influence metabolism, growth, and reproduction. They are formed in many places in the body and released into the blood or tissues. They are involved in a finely tuned regulatory system. Disturbances can be the cause of a wide variety of complaints and diseases. Hormones serve to … Hormone Testing

Fatal Signals from Belly Fat: Adipose Tissue Produces Messenger Substances

Fatty tissue is not only energy storage, but also acts as an organ that produces various messenger substances: The abdominal fat in particular sometimes sends out fatal signals in the process, the full implications of which are only just being recognized by medicine. Among other things, the fatty tissue in the abdominal cavity releases immune … Fatal Signals from Belly Fat: Adipose Tissue Produces Messenger Substances

Innervation: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Innervation connects organs, tissues, and body parts to the nervous system, enabling complex interactions within the body. Electrical and biochemical stimuli are transmitted through the nerve cells and nerve fibers. Damage to nerve structures can result in motor dysfunction, insensations, and even life-threatening consequences. What is innervation? In medicine, innervation is the functional supply network … Innervation: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Amino acids list

Amino acids are the basic substances of proteins and there are 20 different amino acids from which the body can form many different proteins among other substances. The 20 amino acids can be divided into two groups, the essential and the non-essential amino acids. There are eight essential amino acids, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, … Amino acids list

Phenylalanine | Amino acids list

Phenylalanine Like other amino acids, phenylalanine is involved in the production of other amino acids. Especially in the liver, phenylalanine can be converted to tyrosine. For this purpose, however, it must be available in sufficient quantities. Phenylalanine is also needed for the production of messenger substances such as noradrenaline. Threonine Threonine, like other essential amino … Phenylalanine | Amino acids list

Glycine | Amino acids list

Glycine Glycine can be produced in the body from other amino acids and is the smallest amino acid with a simple structure. It is a component of haemoglobin metabolism (haemoglobin transports oxygen in the blood), is involved in the energy supply in creatine metabolism and plays an important role in skin regeneration, hair formation and … Glycine | Amino acids list