Eicosanoids: Function & Diseases

Eicosanoids are hormone-like hydrophobic substances that function as neurotransmitters or immune modulators. They are formed as part of lipid metabolism. Starting materials are omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. What are eicosanoids? The hormone-like eicosanoids play a major role as neurotransmitters or immune modulators. In some cases, they elicit opposite reactions. Basically, they are mediators between … Eicosanoids: Function & Diseases

Corner of the Mouth Cracks

Symptoms Mouth corner rhagades manifest as inflamed tears in the area of the corners of the mouth. The symptoms are often bilateral and and often involve the adjacent skin. Other symptoms include redness, scaling, pain, itching, crusting and dehydration. Mouth cracks are uncomfortable, bothersome and often slow to heal. Causes Typical causes and risk factors … Corner of the Mouth Cracks

Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Superior mesenteric artery syndrome is a compression syndrome that results in upper abdominal pain, difficulty eating, and nausea and even vomiting. Patients often suffer from malnutrition, which is often mistaken by those around them for the effects of an eating disorder. Treatment is primarily invasive and consists of decompression to restore normal food intake. What … Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Which accompanying symptoms indicate a mineral deficiency? | Recognizing and treating mineral deficiencies

Which accompanying symptoms indicate a mineral deficiency? Other common symptoms of a mineral deficiency are failure to thrive, concentration problems, sleep problems, weak nerves and muscles, coagulation problems and anaemia. A twitching eyelid can also occur. Coagulation disorders can occur both with a vitamin K deficiency and with a calcium deficiency. Vitamin K plays an … Which accompanying symptoms indicate a mineral deficiency? | Recognizing and treating mineral deficiencies

Summary | Recognizing and treating mineral deficiencies

Summary Besides proteins, carbohydrates and fats as primary sources of energy, minerals, vitamins and water form the second class of food components. As with the three main sources of energy, there can be a shortage of minerals with associated symptoms. It is important to differentiate between an absolute deficiency due to undersupply as a result … Summary | Recognizing and treating mineral deficiencies

Causes for a mineral deficiency | Recognizing and treating mineral deficiencies

Causes for a mineral deficiency The causes of a mineral deficiency are very diverse and can be connected with a time-consuming, very detailed medical diagnosis. One must always differentiate between a self-induced deficiency due to insufficient intake and a deficiency caused by utilization disorders in the body. As a possible cause for a mineral deficiency, … Causes for a mineral deficiency | Recognizing and treating mineral deficiencies

What Fingernails Reveal About Health

Fingernails can tell a lot about a person and also have an important function: with their help, we can pick up the smallest objects or scratch an itchy spot. In addition, the horny tissue of the nails protects the sensitive ends of the fingers. Well-groomed, healthy fingernails are a calling card. They look pink, are … What Fingernails Reveal About Health