Nail Changes: Causes, Therapy

Brief overview Causes: Mechanical or chemical action, injury, fungal infections, nutrient deficiencies, systemic diseases such as diabetes, liver disease, chronic heart and lung disease. When to see a doctor: For all changes without a known cause (e.g. a nail injury), medical clarification is advisable. Treatment: Depending on the cause, e.g. therapy of the underlying disease, … Nail Changes: Causes, Therapy


What is the structure of the nail? Finger and toe nails are corneal plates consisting of keratin. The smooth, transparent nail plate is fused with the underlying nail bed and flows into the free nail edge at the bottom. On the three other sides, the nail plate is bordered by the nail wall. The upper … Nails

Nail Care: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Once a week we should treat our nails thoroughly. We file them (do not cut!) into pleasant oval shape, which ends with the fingertip. Pointed claws are unattractive. Laterally file not too far down, there the nail is supported. File nails Manicure is the cosmetic care and treatment of the hands (hand care). But nail … Nail Care: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Therapy of nail bed inflammation on the finger | Nail bed inflammation on the finger

Therapy of nail bed inflammation on the finger Depending on the extent of the inflammation, an acute nail bed inflammation can be treated by the patient before consulting a doctor. First of all it is helpful to bathe the affected finger once a day. You can use warm water and add substances such as tea … Therapy of nail bed inflammation on the finger | Nail bed inflammation on the finger

Chewed fingernails

Introduction The biting off of fingernails is called onychophagy. The phenomenon occurs in both humans and animals. Those affected bite off their fingernails with their teeth and often also the surrounding skin. The extent of the damage is very different and individual. If the damage is minor, often only the protruding parts of the nails … Chewed fingernails