Soy Phytoestrogens in Menopause

At the onset of menopause, 50 to 80 percent of women in Western countries experience natural accompanying symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbances, dizziness, irritability, anxiety, restlessness, dejection and lack of drive. Twenty-five percent of cases require therapeutic treatment. Soy isoflavones have proven to be a gentle, herbal and at the same … Soy Phytoestrogens in Menopause

Insect Repellent: What Helps?

Only when it is too late do we notice it: an insect has stung us. With their proboscis complete with pinching tool, they penetrate the skin and secrete anesthetic substances. After successfully drawing blood, the insects chase away again. To find their target – humans – insects use a very complex interplay of smell, warmth … Insect Repellent: What Helps?

Live Naturally

Weather and climate depend on various factors over which we have no control. However, we can adjust to them by dressing according to the weather. We can ensure a good living climate ourselves. A significant influence on the well-being in rooms have temperature, humidity, drafts, odors as well as pollutants. Proper ventilation against mold and … Live Naturally

Natural bodybuilding for women | Natural Bodybuilding – what is that?

Natural bodybuilding for women Training, bodybuilding and weightlifting has always been an all-male domain, but in the last few years (around 1970) women have also jumped on the bodybuilding bandwagon, training hard in studios and competing in bodybuilding competitions. They want to show men that they too have strength and can look muscular. The same … Natural bodybuilding for women | Natural Bodybuilding – what is that?

Home Remedies and Natural Laxatives

Who suffers from constipation, should not immediately reach for a chemical laxative, but rather first try to get the digestion going again in a natural way. We give you tips on how it works again with the digestion without chemical laxatives and present some natural laxatives and laxative home remedies. Get the digestion going naturally … Home Remedies and Natural Laxatives