Physiotherapy | ISG complaints during pregnancy – exercises

Physiotherapy Physiotherapy for ISG complaints during pregnancy can sometimes differ greatly from the treatment of a non-pregnant patient. While normally the problems are tried to be controlled with the help of mobilization, manipulation or massage techniques, this is only possible to a limited extent during pregnancy. Especially in more advanced stages of pregnancy, some of … Physiotherapy | ISG complaints during pregnancy – exercises

Employment ban | ISG complaints during pregnancy – exercises

Employment ban Whether an employment prohibition is pronounced for a pregnant woman with ISG complaints always depends on the individual situation and the job to be performed. In general, a ban on employment should only be imposed if the activity to be performed would endanger the welfare of the mother or the unborn child. By … Employment ban | ISG complaints during pregnancy – exercises

Summary | ISG complaints during pregnancy – exercises

Summary All in all, although the treatment options for ISG complaints during pregnancy are limited, those affected do not have to live with the pain. Thanks to a number of therapeutic approaches, it is possible to control the pain caused by the sacroiliac joint. The performance of various exercises is suitable for the acute treatment … Summary | ISG complaints during pregnancy – exercises

Physiotherapy | Exercises for sciatic pain during pregnancy

Physiotherapy Many affected persons take a relieving posture because of the complaints. In the case of sciatica pain, those affected bend the painful leg and tilt it slightly outwards. The upper body shifts obliquely to the opposite side. Although this behavior reduces the problem in the short term, other muscles then tense up and the … Physiotherapy | Exercises for sciatic pain during pregnancy

Causes/Symptoms | Exercises for sciatic pain during pregnancy

Causes/Symptoms Sciatic pain usually occurs on one side and has a pulling, “tearing” character. They usually radiate from the lower back over the buttocks to the lower legs. In this area, sensory disturbances can also occur in the form of tingling (“formication”), numbness or electrifying / burning sensations. In rare cases, sciatic pain is also … Causes/Symptoms | Exercises for sciatic pain during pregnancy

Alternative treatment methods | Exercises for sciatic pain during pregnancy

Alternative treatment methods Sciatica pain can also be relieved by homeopathic remedies such as Rhus toxicodendron (poison ivy), Gnaphalium (woolweed) or Aesculus (horse chestnut). The same applies to externally applied St. John’s wort oil. Light and gentle movements in Yoga, Tai Chi or Qi Gong can equally provide relaxation, stimulate the blood circulation and alleviate … Alternative treatment methods | Exercises for sciatic pain during pregnancy

Callus Distraction: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Callus distraction involves cutting a bone and increasing its length by means of an implanted system. This therapy may be useful, for example, in clinically relevant lateral limb differences that result in deformity. There is little risk of infection since fully implanted systems. What is callus distraction? Callus distraction is a treatment procedure in orthopedics … Callus Distraction: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Auricle: Structure, Function & Diseases

The pinna is the outer part of the ear, which is individually shaped in each person. It has both functionally important and non-functional parts (for example, earlobe). Diseases of the auricles are often the result of mechanical action, injury, piercings, insect bites, or surgery. What is an auricle? The auricle identifies the externally visible part … Auricle: Structure, Function & Diseases