Nutrition for cancer

Definition of cancer Cancer is a disease that affects the entire body, even if it has not yet spread. Cancer consumes a lot of energy because cancer cells often have a less efficient energy metabolism than healthy body cells. This energy is often lacking elsewhere, the diseased person eats less and has a much higher … Nutrition for cancer

Further therapeutic measures for cancer | Nutrition for cancer

Further therapeutic measures for cancer Basically, every cancer should be treated by doctors. There are three general therapy options: Depending on the origin of the cancer, they are applied in different combinations. In the case of solid tumors, surgical removal without leaving residual tissue is usually the goal, and chemotherapy and/or radiation is usually given … Further therapeutic measures for cancer | Nutrition for cancer

How do I lower my body fat percentage? | Lower body fat percentage

How do I lower my body fat percentage? The cornerstones of a therapy with the goal of permanently reducing the body fat percentage should be based on a mixture of behavioral, exercise and nutritional therapy. Here there are numerous practical and valuable Tipps within all three ranges. In the category behavior therapy it applies to … How do I lower my body fat percentage? | Lower body fat percentage

Sixpack | Lower body fat percentage

Sixpack It is considered the ideal image of the male abdomen. We are talking about the six-pack, which is colloquially known as the “washboard stomach“. Through little fatty tissue and a well developed musculature, six bulges of the so-called Musculus rectus abdominis can appear, which is called “six-pack” in English. The appearance of the muscle … Sixpack | Lower body fat percentage

Body fat percentage

Measurement procedure The body fat percentage of a person can be determined by various measuring methods. In principle, the body fat percentage can be determined mechanically, electrically, chemically, by radiation or by a volume measurement method. A very simple, but not entirely accurate method of measurement is the mechanical measurement of body fat percentage by … Body fat percentage

Natural bodybuilding for women | Natural Bodybuilding – what is that?

Natural bodybuilding for women Training, bodybuilding and weightlifting has always been an all-male domain, but in the last few years (around 1970) women have also jumped on the bodybuilding bandwagon, training hard in studios and competing in bodybuilding competitions. They want to show men that they too have strength and can look muscular. The same … Natural bodybuilding for women | Natural Bodybuilding – what is that?