Operation of a torn meniscus

Synonyms Meniscus lesion, meniscus tear, meniscus tear, meniscus rupture, meniscus damage Arthroscopy and open surgery A proper meniscus tear is such a serious injury that it carries a high risk of consequential damage. Therefore, except in a few exceptional cases, where conservative therapy through physiotherapy and the administration of medication is sufficient, surgery can hardly … Operation of a torn meniscus

Duration after meniscus rupture surgery | Operation of a torn meniscus

Duration after meniscus rupture surgery The meniscus rupture operation within the scope of a knee joint endoscopy usually takes between 30 and 60 minutes. If a partial meniscus resection has been carried out, the wound takes about two weeks to heal and the knee can then be fully loaded. From this point on, moderate sports … Duration after meniscus rupture surgery | Operation of a torn meniscus

When are you allowed to drive again How long will you be unable to work? | Operation of a torn meniscus

When are you allowed to drive again How long will you be unable to work? Also the incapacity to work depends on the occupational strain of the person concerned as well as on the severity of the injury. If the meniscus tear is sutured intraoperatively, a significantly longer healing time is required than in the … When are you allowed to drive again How long will you be unable to work? | Operation of a torn meniscus

What are the costs of an appendectomy? | Appendectomy

What are the costs of an appendectomy? The cost of an average appendectomy without major complications is approximately between €2,000 and €3,000. The costs depend mainly on the length of stay in hospital and the occurrence of complications. The occurrence of complications or peritonitis can double the total costs. A laparoscopic appendectomy is a few … What are the costs of an appendectomy? | Appendectomy


Definition Appendectomy is colloquially referred to as the operation to remove the inflamed appendix. In reality, however, it is not the appendix (caecum), but the appendix vermiformis hanging from the appendix. For the sake of simplicity, however, the two terms will be used as synonyms in the following. The appendectomy is also known medically as … Appendectomy

Calcification in the prostate

What is a calcification in the prostate? The prostate, also called prostate gland, belongs to the male sex organs. It plays an important role in the production of sperm. Inflammation or other diseases of the prostate gland can cause calcification of the glands in the course of life. This is usually a deposit of cells … Calcification in the prostate