Types of hearing aids

Synonyms Hearing aid, hearing system, hearing glasses, cochlear implant, CI, in-the-ear hearing system, in-the-ear, RIC hearing system, behind-the-ear device, BTE, hearing machine, ear trumpet, concha hearing system, Micro-CiC, noise device, tinnitus noiser, tinnitus masker, receiver-in-canal, tinnitus control instrument Hearing aids Listen to Ear Anatomy Ear Inner Ear Outer ear Middle Ear Earache Hearing loss in … Types of hearing aids

The auricle

Definition The auricle, also called auricula (lat. auris – ear), is the visible, shell-shaped and cartilaginous outer part of the outer ear and together with the external auditory canal forms the outer ear. Together with the middle ear, it forms the sound conducting apparatus of the human hearing organ. With its shell-like funnel shape and … The auricle

The cartilage | The auricle

The cartilage The cartilaginous framework of the auricle gives it its typical shape and gives it the necessary stability, while remaining elastic and soft. These properties are due to the fact that the cartilage consists of so-called elastic cartilage. This cartilage contains a particularly large number of elastic fibers made up of elastin and fibrillin. … The cartilage | The auricle

The outer ear

Synonyms Latin: Aruis externa English: external ear Definition The outer ear is the first level of the sound conduction apparatus, next to the middle ear. The outer ear includes the pinna (auricle), the external auditory canal (external acoustic meatus) and the eardrum (tympanic membrane), which forms the boundary with the middle ear. The first important … The outer ear

Summary | The outer ear

Summary The division into outer, middle and inner ear is of great importance, because in the case of a hearing loss, a decision must be made precisely between conductive (outer ear and middle ear) and sensorineural (inner ear) hearing loss. This means that an exact differentiation and localisation of the cause can and should be … Summary | The outer ear

Middle Ear

Synonyms Latin: auris media Introduction The middle ear is an air-filled space lined with mucosa and located in the petrous bone of the skull. This is where the ossicles are located, through which sound or the vibrational energy of sound is transmitted from the external auditory canal via the eardrum and finally to the inner … Middle Ear

Summary | Middle Ear

Summary The middle ear is an indispensable part of hearing. Diseases such as inflammation of the middle ear can cause severe hearing loss. Complications make the clinical picture more difficult. All articles in this series: Middle Ear Summary

The human ear

Synonyms Ears, earache Medical: auris Introduction The system ear hearing consists of two parts (peripheral and central). The peripheral part includes the pinna with the outer ear canal, the middle and inner ear (labyrinth) and the 8th cranial nerve (vestibulocochlear nerve), which transmits all information from the ear to the brain. The central part includes … The human ear

The middle ear | The human ear

The middle ear The middle ear (Auris media; Otos media; engl. Middle ear) belong to the middle ear: The eardrum (tympanum) is a membrane-like barrier between the external auditory canal and the tympanic cavity. With a thickness of 0.1 mm, it is extremely thin, oval and has a diameter of about 8 mm. On the … The middle ear | The human ear

The inner ear | The human ear

The inner ear In the inner ear (auris interna; labyrinth; inner ear) is the cochlea, where sound is converted into nerve impulses. Right next to it is the organ of balance (vestibular organ). In contrast to the middle ear, the inner ear is filled with fluids, the so-called peri- and endolymph. Both fluids have different … The inner ear | The human ear