Meniscus lesion

Synonyms meniscus tear, meniscus tear, meniscus rupture, meniscus damage Definition The term meniscus lesion (also: meniscus tear, meniscus rupture, meniscus injury) describes a damage of the inner or outer meniscus of the knee. The inner meniscus is affected by lesions far more frequently than the outer meniscus because it is attached to both the joint … Meniscus lesion

Operation meniscus lesion | Meniscus lesion

Operation meniscus lesion To restore stability in the knee joint and avoid consequential damage such as osteoarthritis after a meniscus lesion, surgery may be considered.Nowadays, operations on the knee are generally performed in a minimally invasive manner using knee endoscopy (arthroscopy). The required instruments and a mini-camera are inserted into the joint through the smallest … Operation meniscus lesion | Meniscus lesion

Diagnosis | Internal meniscus lesion

Diagnosis In most cases, the anamnesis (medical history) and description of the accident course are groundbreaking for diagnostics. During palpation of the joint space, a painful feeling of pressure is evident. In some cases, an accompanying knee joint effusion occurs due to the joint inflammation. There are different meniscus signs, which should be checked if … Diagnosis | Internal meniscus lesion

Therapy of an inner meniscus lesion | Internal meniscus lesion

Therapy of an inner meniscus lesion In most cases, a knee joint endoscopy (arthroscopy) is performed as part of a meniscus lesion. This not only serves the exact diagnosis of the tear, but also the therapy. Arthroscopy offers various options. In young patients and tears in the peripheral third, an attempt is made to perform … Therapy of an inner meniscus lesion | Internal meniscus lesion

External meniscus lesion

Definition outer meniscus tear The outer meniscus (meniscus lateralis) is located at the outer edge of the joint space and, together with the inner meniscus, serves to stabilize and enlarge the joint surface of the knee joint. Since the outer meniscus has a higher mobility, injuries are rather rare here. Since meniscal lesions often occur … External meniscus lesion