The thigh musculature

Synonyms leg muscle training, leg muscles, thigh muscles Front musculature At the front of the thigh are the muscles called extensor group, which stabilize the knee joint. This extensor group includes a small muscle, the sartorius muscle, and the large quadriceps femoris muscle. The sartorius muscle is also known as the “tailor muscle” because its … The thigh musculature

How to stretch the thigh muscles? | The thigh musculature

How to stretch the thigh muscles? Stretching the thigh muscles is important to prevent shortening. There are different stretching exercises for the different muscle groups of the thighs. In general, each stretching exercise should be held for 10 seconds on each side. The front thigh muscles can be stretched while standing. After standing upright, lift … How to stretch the thigh muscles? | The thigh musculature

The arm musculature

Synonyms in the broadest sense Arm muscles, arm muscle training, upper arm muscles Function The arm muscles, or elbow joint muscles, which are mainly located on the upper arm, act on the elbow joint. While three muscles are responsible for flexion, the triceps alone acts as the three-headed extensor of the upper arm. As this … The arm musculature

Pain in the arm muscles | The arm musculature

Pain in the arm muscles Muscle pain can have various causes, including injuries, cramps, tension, muscle diseases, nervous disorders and medication. Muscle injuries include sore muscles, muscle bruises, strains, muscle tears or muscle fibre ruptures. Mostly these injuries occur during sports. Strong, sudden muscle movements can cause them, especially if the muscles have not been … Pain in the arm muscles | The arm musculature

Exercises for the individual muscle groups | The arm musculature

Exercises for the individual muscle groups Three-headed arm extensor (M. triceps brachii) Two-headed arm muscle (M. biceps brachii) Arm flexor (M. brachialis) Upper arm spoke muscle (M. brachioradialis) Triceps Pushing Bench press Neck Pressing Nosebreaker Bicep curl Latissimus extension (narrow) Rowing Bicep curl Bicep curl All articles in this series: The arm musculature Forearm Muscles … Exercises for the individual muscle groups | The arm musculature

Abdominal muscles

Synonyms in the broadest sense abdominal wall musculature, abdominal muscles, six-pack, abdominal muscle training Function The straight abdominal muscle is the sole antagonist of the long, lower back extensor muscles (M. errector spinae). It is responsible for the flexion of the spinal column. This applies to all movements in which the upper body is bent … Abdominal muscles

Injuries to the abdominal muscles | Abdominal muscles

Injuries to the abdominal muscles In some cases, the abdominal muscles can be injured, especially if they are too heavily strained. This can happen, for example, if you exercise excessively. In this case, in addition to a severe muscle soreness, abdominal muscle strains or even a torn muscle fibre in the abdomen can occur. All … Injuries to the abdominal muscles | Abdominal muscles