Iron: Health Benefits and Side Effects

Iron is a trace element essential for life. It is found in the body in red blood pigment, muscle protein and numerous enzymes. In red blood cells, it transports oxygen, and iron also plays a role in energy production and the manufacture of numerous important substances. Iron is primarily involved in the processes in which … Iron: Health Benefits and Side Effects

Iron Deficiency and Overdose

Appearances of iron deficiency are common. Especially women of childbearing age not infrequently come into a situation with iron deficiency because of monthly blood loss. Principle causes of iron deficiency are: Iron loss: prolonged bleeding due to ulcers or chronic inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhoidal bleeding or heavy menstrual bleeding causes iron loss. With … Iron Deficiency and Overdose

Cystic Fibrosis: Causes and Treatment

Symptoms In cystic fibrosis (CF, cystic fibrosis), different organ systems are affected, resulting in a heterogeneous clinical picture with symptoms of varying severity: Lower respiratory tract: Chronic cough with viscous mucus formation, obstruction, recurrent infectious diseases, e.g., with , inflammation, remodeling of the lungs (fibrosis), pneumothorax, respiratory insufficiency, shortness of breath, wheezing, oxygen deficiency. Upper … Cystic Fibrosis: Causes and Treatment

Peanut Allergy

Symptoms Peanut allergy most commonly affects the skin, digestive tract, and respiratory system. Possible symptoms include: Rhinitis, stuffy nose Itching Hives Skin redness Swelling, angioedema Nausea and vomiting Abdominal cramps Diarrhea Cough, whistling breathing Tightness in the throat, larynxoedema. Voice changes Peanuts are among the food allergens that most commonly cause severe anaphylactic reactions, which … Peanut Allergy

Prolongation of the QT Interval

Symptoms Drug-induced prolongation of the QT interval can rarely lead to severe arrhythmias. This is polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, known as torsade de pointes arrhythmia. It can be seen on the ECG as a wave-like structure. Due to the dysfunction, the heart cannot maintain blood pressure and can only pump insufficient blood and oxygen to the … Prolongation of the QT Interval

Elixir of Life Air

Air is one of the basic necessities of life for humans, animals and plants. For example, humans can survive for about 40 days without food, nearly five days without drinking, but only a few minutes without air. Air consists of 21 percent oxygen. We need it to oxidize nutrients, i.e. to burn them. This is … Elixir of Life Air

How we Breathe: Often Incomplete and Cramped

“The internist’s herb and the surgeon’s knife heal from without, the breath heals from within.” (Paracelsus). Breathing happens unconsciously, and that is precisely why many people breathe incompletely and cramped. Breathing correctly means allowing the breath to flow completely into the abdomen and pelvis without effort. In this way, the breath flows through the entire … How we Breathe: Often Incomplete and Cramped


Products Copper is commercially available in multivitamin preparations, dietary supplements, and ointments and solutions, among other products. Hormone-free intrauterine devices (known as “coils”) or copper chains are also approved for contraception. These are medical devices and not drugs. Structure and properties Copper (cuprum, Cu, atomic number 29) is a soft and easily workable transition and … Copper

Benzoic Acid

Products Pure benzoic acid is available as an open product in pharmacies and drugstores. It is found in liquid, semi-solid and solid medicines. Structure and properties Benzoic acid (C7H6O2, Mr = 122.1 g/mol) exists as a white, odorless, crystalline powder or as colorless crystals and is sparingly soluble in water. In contrast, it is more … Benzoic Acid

5-Aminolevulinic Acid

Products Aminolevulinic acid is commercially available as patches and gels (Alacare, Ameluz). Structure and properties The 5-aminolevulinic acid (C5H9NO3, Mr = 131.1 g/mol) is a nonproteinogenic amino acid. It exists in the drug as a hydrochloride, a white crystalline solid that is soluble in water. Effects 5-Aminolevulinic acid (ATC L01XD04) is phototoxic and causes destruction … 5-Aminolevulinic Acid