Parathyroid gland

Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: Glandula parathyroidea Beischilddrüsen Epithelial corpuscles Anatomy The parathyroid glands represent four lenticular-sized glands weighing about 40 mg. They are located behind the thyroid gland. Usually two of them are located at the upper end (pole) of the thyroid lobe, while the other two are located at the lower pole. … Parathyroid gland

Diseases of the parathyroid gland | Parathyroid gland

Diseases of the parathyroid gland The parathyroid gland is essential for survival; a complete absence (agenesia) is not compatible with life. Accidental removal or damage of epithelial corpuscles during thyroid surgery or hypoparathyroidism can have serious consequences: The lowering of blood calcium levels leads to hypocalcaemia, which is manifested by seizures and general overexcitability of … Diseases of the parathyroid gland | Parathyroid gland


Introduction Endorphins (endomorphins) are neuropeptides, i.e. proteins produced by nerve cells. The name “endorphin” means “endogenous morphine“, which means the body’s own morphines (painkillers). There are three different types of hormones, whereby beta-endorphins are the best studied: The following description refers to beta-endorphins. Alpha-Endorphins Beta-Endorphins Gamma-Endorphins Education The endorphins are formed in the hypothalamus and … Endorphins

Function | Endorphins

Function Endorphins have analgesic (analgesic) and calming effects, making people less sensitive to stress. They promote hunger, play a part in the production of sex hormones and have a positive effect on deep and peaceful sleep. In addition, the endorphins influence vegetative processes such as body temperature or intestinal motility. A strengthening modulation of the … Function | Endorphins

Pituitary posterior lobe hormones

Hypophysial rear lobe hormones include oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone (ADH). In the following, ADH– Hormone is discussed, the hormone oxytocin is treated with the reproductive hormones. To the topics: ADH Oxytocin


Introduction Glucagon is a hormone of the human body, which has the task to raise the blood sugar level. It therefore acts as an antagonist to the hormone insulin. The hormone of the pancreas, glucagon, also consists of protein (29 amino acids in total). It is produced in the so-called A-cells of Langerhans’ islet cells … Glucagon


Formation of glucocorticoids These hormones of the adrenal cortex include glococorticoid, cortisol and cortisone. The hormones are formed from cholesterol via pregnenolone and progesterone as well as other intermediate stages. After release into the bloodstream, they are bound to the transport protein transcortin. The hormone receptors are located intracellularly in the cells of almost all … Glucocorticoids

Side effects of glucocorticoids | Glucocorticoids

Side effects of glucocorticoids The possible side effects that can result from a long lasting or high-dose intake of glucocorticoids are directly related to the main effects. If there is an excess of glucocorticoids in the body, Cushing’s disease can develop. In general, there is an individual dose for each patient, and care must be … Side effects of glucocorticoids | Glucocorticoids

Glucocorticoids in doping | Glucocorticoids

Glucocorticoids in doping Glucocorticoids are officially included in the list of doping substances and their systematic administration (oral, rectal, intravenous or intramuscular) is therefore prohibited in any kind of sporting competition. Application on the skin by means of ointments or inhalation is permitted after registration. The reason why glucocorticoids are considered doping substances is their … Glucocorticoids in doping | Glucocorticoids