Yoga for pregnant women

Yoga offers not only exercises for strengthening, but also for relaxation. In any case, these are important points that can be helpful during pregnancy or birth. After all, the well-being of the pregnant woman should also be considered. During a pregnancy the female body goes through various processes in which the body changes. A supply … Yoga for pregnant women

Physiotherapy/treatment | Exercises for the cervix during pregnancy

Physiotherapy/treatment Every year, on average one in 100 women suffers from a so-called cervical insufficiency (cervical os weakness). The cervix is then soft and open. There is not only the risk of germs penetrating the embryo, but also an increased risk of miscarriage or premature birth. In such a case, strict bed rest is prescribed … Physiotherapy/treatment | Exercises for the cervix during pregnancy

Physiotherapy for symphysis pain during pregnancy

Symphyseal pain during pregnancy is common and is usually associated with preparing the pelvis for the upcoming birth. During pregnancy, the female organism produces hormones that affect the connective tissue of the pelvis and support its relaxation. This can also lead to symphysis pain. Introduction The symphysis is a small cartilaginous connection, similar to an … Physiotherapy for symphysis pain during pregnancy

Summary | Physiotherapy for symphysis pain during pregnancy

Summary During pregnancy, the female organism produces hormones that loosen the connective tissue of pregnant women and ensure optimal birth conditions. However, it can also lead to slight instability of the pelvic ring and symphysis pain. In addition to a stabilizing active exercise therapy, pelvic belts or homeopathy can also be used in the therapy … Summary | Physiotherapy for symphysis pain during pregnancy