Spinal Stenosis – Exercise 3

“Pressing the floor” Put yourself in supine position. Here the weight of the head can be taken off, which provides additional relief. Close the gap between the cervical spine and the floor when lying down by pressing the entire spine into the support, thus making it stretch and long. Again, keep the position short (approx. … Spinal Stenosis – Exercise 3

Spinal canal stenosis – exercises for at home

Spinal canal stenosis of the cervical spine is often caused by degenerative (i.e. wear and tear), but congenital axial malpositions, vertebral deformities or acquired malpositions and overloading can also promote the occurrence of spinal canal stenosis in the cervical spine. In order to counteract the latter, but also to improve existing symptoms and achieve pain … Spinal canal stenosis – exercises for at home

Causes/Symptoms | Spinal canal stenosis – exercises for at home

Causes/Symptoms The causes of spinal stenosis of the cervical spine can be changes in the vertebral body. These are partly congenital and partly caused by the aging process. In particular, sports involving an extreme hollow back lead to deformities of the vertebral bodies, including spondylolisthesis. Poor posture can contribute significantly to a narrowing of the … Causes/Symptoms | Spinal canal stenosis – exercises for at home

Summary | Spinal canal stenosis – exercises for at home

Summary The physiotherapeutic treatment of a spinal stenosis of the cervical spine is mainly concerned with symptomatic treatment. Relief from compressed structures is indicated. Exercises such as retraction, which can also be performed very well at home, as well as light mobilization and stretching techniques are suitable for this. In physiotherapy, a treatment plan is … Summary | Spinal canal stenosis – exercises for at home

General Information | Spinal canal stenosis cervical spine treatment without surgery

General Information Spinal canal stenosis of the cervical spine describes a narrowing of the spinal canal in the cervical spine. Stenosis is the technical term for this narrowing. It can occur as a result of injuries to the bony protection, injuries to the intervertebral discs, instability and poor posture or diseases with swelling and cell … General Information | Spinal canal stenosis cervical spine treatment without surgery

Spinal canal stenosis cervical spine treatment without surgery

The physiotherapeutic treatment of a spinal stenosis of the cervical spine is initially based on the existing symptoms, and later on the actual cause, in order to ensure long-term success and avoid recurrence. Contents of the treatment Key points of the therapy are: Goals and corresponding measures are developed individually together with the patient and … Spinal canal stenosis cervical spine treatment without surgery

Main goal of the therapy | Spinal canal stenosis cervical spine treatment without surgery

Main goal of the therapy The main goal of the patient will be to not be restricted in his or her daily requirements. The development of the supporting muscles around the cervical spine and general posture training are closely related. There are various special exercises and measures for this purpose, such as setting external stimuli … Main goal of the therapy | Spinal canal stenosis cervical spine treatment without surgery

Resources | Spinal canal stenosis cervical spine treatment without surgery

Resources In addition to active physiotherapy, various aids can be used to treat spinal canal stenosis in the cervical spine. One method that is helpful in everyday life is the application of tapes. On the one hand, they have a stabilizing effect on posture, and on the other hand they relieve and relax the muscle … Resources | Spinal canal stenosis cervical spine treatment without surgery

Prognosis | Spinal canal stenosis cervical spine treatment without surgery

Prognosis Just like the duration of healing, the prognosis depends on very individual factors, such as mainly the cause and extent of the illness or injury. The danger of squeezed vessels is the death of cells. The blood circulation of our body supplies cells with oxygen. Without this life supply they die with the consequence … Prognosis | Spinal canal stenosis cervical spine treatment without surgery