Things to know about back pain | Back pain – not with a strong back

Things to know about back pain Everyone knows back pain – apart from infections, it is the second most common reason why people in Germany consult a doctor. 70% of Germans suffer from them at least once a year. Back pain can manifest itself in many different ways; for example, pulling, stabbing, tearing or even … Things to know about back pain | Back pain – not with a strong back

Symptoms of spinal canal stenosis in the cervical spine | Physiotherapy for spinal canal stenosis in the cervical spine

Symptoms of spinal canal stenosis in the cervical spine By narrowing the spinal canal, the spinal cord running in the canal can be compressed. In the cervical spine, the spinal cord still contains all the nerve fibers that supply the body with motor and sensory energy up to the feet. In the cervical spine, it … Symptoms of spinal canal stenosis in the cervical spine | Physiotherapy for spinal canal stenosis in the cervical spine

Summary | Physiotherapy for spinal canal stenosis in the cervical spine

Summary Cervical spinal canal stenosis is a serious clinical picture. In case of strong compression, decompression surgery (if possible minimally invasive) should be performed to protect the sensitive nerve tissue from irreversible damage. The symptoms of spinal stenosis can range from simple numbness or paralysis in the upper extremity to paraplegia-like symptoms. The therapy is … Summary | Physiotherapy for spinal canal stenosis in the cervical spine

Physiotherapy for spinal canal stenosis in the cervical spine

A spinal canal stenosis is when a narrowing of the spinal canal occurs. This can be caused by the normal aging process of the spine, or by inflammatory diseases (e.g. osteoarthritis). In spinal canal stenosis, compression of the spinal cord occurs with corresponding symptoms. The therapy is performed conservatively, if possible. In the case of … Physiotherapy for spinal canal stenosis in the cervical spine

Physiotherapy for Parkinson’s disease

Physiotherapy is essential for patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease to maintain their independence for a long time. Depending on how advanced Parkinson’s disease is, physiotherapy in functional training targets those activities where the patient feels the greatest restrictions in everyday life. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is defined as a condition in which a patient displays four … Physiotherapy for Parkinson’s disease

Necrosis of the femoral head in children | Physiotherapy for femoral head necrosis

Necrosis of the femoral head in children Necrosis of the femoral head can also occur in childhood. In contrast to the adult variant, the disease known as Perthes disease has the major difference that the process of destruction of the hip joint in children is reversible, as reversible. The disease progresses in children in 4 … Necrosis of the femoral head in children | Physiotherapy for femoral head necrosis

Physiotherapy for a cervical spine syndrome

The so-called cervical spine syndrome (cervical syndrome) is a collective term for various orthopedic or neurological symptoms, which can also occur in the area of the cervical spine in combination. The symptoms typically manifest themselves in the shoulder-neck-arm region. If problems occur in the cervical spine region, this is often referred to as cervical spine … Physiotherapy for a cervical spine syndrome

Stretching exercises for the cervical spine | Physiotherapy for a cervical spine syndrome

Stretching exercises for the cervical spine Below are two stretching exercises described that you can do independently at home or simply in between. The stretching exercises are aimed at the shoulder and neck muscles. Since this is a sensitive area, you should make sure that you do them correctly and listen to your pain sensation. … Stretching exercises for the cervical spine | Physiotherapy for a cervical spine syndrome