
Definition An anticholinergic is an active substance that acts on the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system is part of the autonomic nervous system. It involuntarily, i.e. not subject to will, controls most of the internal organs and the blood circulation. It has a braking and damping control function in the metabolism, thus ensuring … Anticholinergics

Undesirable effect | Anticholinergics

Undesirable effect Anticholinergics very often lead to dry mouth, because the saliva production is inhibited. In addition, the most common undesirable side effects include constipation, fatigue, impaired vision and urinary retention. Even in small doses, the effects of anticholinergics on the cardiovascular system play a role, for example, there may be tachycardia. Anticholinergic syndrome If … Undesirable effect | Anticholinergics