Olfactory Disorder (Smell Disorder): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Olfactory disorder or olfactory dysfunction refers to any disorder related to the sense of smell. This can involve hypersensitivity to certain odors as well as a decreased ability to smell. What is an olfactory disorder? Schematic diagram showing the anatomy of the nose and the olfactory nerves. Click to enlarge. Medicine basically distinguishes between three … Olfactory Disorder (Smell Disorder): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Polyps in the nose

Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: Polyposis nasi nasal polyps Introduction Nasal polyps (Polyposis nasi, nasal polyps) are benign growths of the mucous membrane of the nose or paranasal sinuses. These changes are usually accompanied by restricted nasal breathing and can lead to secondary diseases if left untreated. However, since early diagnosis and a good … Polyps in the nose

Therapy | Polyps in the nose

Therapy If polyps in the nose are only slightly pronounced, drug therapy is usually sufficient to treat them successfully. Drugs are used that contain the active ingredient cortisone, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Possible options are nasal drops or sprays, which have the advantage that they really only have a local effect, but only develop … Therapy | Polyps in the nose

History | Polyps in the nose

History In principle, polyps of the nose take a benign course. In about 90% of the patients, the symptoms are initially eliminated or at least significantly improved by surgery.Unfortunately, polyps of the nose and paranasal sinuses tend to occur again and again (recurrences). Therefore, a consistent follow-up treatment is absolutely necessary, which includes the use … History | Polyps in the nose

Diseases of the neck and mouth

There are a large number of diseases that can manifest themselves in the throat and mouth. There are also many different causes, whereby infections with bacteria, viruses or fungi in particular lead to complaints in the mouth and throat area. In addition to inflammations, changes in the tissues are also among the possible diseases of … Diseases of the neck and mouth

Common symptoms in the neck and mouth area | Diseases of the neck and mouth

Common symptoms in the neck and mouth area Sore throat is one of the most common diseases of the throat that leads patients to consult a family doctor. There can be various causes for the development of sore throats. In most cases, sore throat is the symptom of an upper respiratory tract infection. For this … Common symptoms in the neck and mouth area | Diseases of the neck and mouth

The individual cost items | Costs of a colonoscopy

The individual cost items The costs for the colonoscopy include various cost items. On the one hand the medical equipment itself, as well as its repair and maintenance. Furthermore, costs for premises, personnel and materials are included. Another cost item is the physician’s fee for the examination, which is calculated on the basis of a … The individual cost items | Costs of a colonoscopy

Costs of a colonoscopy

Introduction Colonoscopy is an important diagnostic tool in the prevention of colon cancer. In the following, the costs for patients with statutory and private health insurance are discussed. You can find information about the procedure of a colonoscopy here: Procedure of a colonoscopy Costs of the statutory health insurance funds Colonoscopy is paid for by … Costs of a colonoscopy

What are the causes of colon cancer?

Introduction The causes of colon cancer are very diverse. In most cases, no specific cause can be identified afterwards. This is because it is usually an interplay of genetic and environmental factors. Environmental factors are all things that affect a person from the outside. These include, for example, the living environment, nutrition or stress. However, … What are the causes of colon cancer?