
Products Droperidol is commercially available as a solution for injection (Droperidol Sintetica). It has been approved in many countries since 2006. Structure and properties Droperidol (C22H22FN3O2, Mr = 379.4 g/mol) structurally belongs to the butyrphenones and exists as a white powder that is practically insoluble in water. It is a benzimidazolinone derivative. Effects Droperidol (ATC … Droperidol

Complications | PONV

Complications Since immediately after general anesthesia the protective reflexes, especially the swallowing and coughing reflex, have not yet fully returned, vomit can be swallowed and enter the lungs. The acidic stomach contents can damage the lung tissue, obstruct the airways and trigger pneumonia. The increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity during vomiting can cause … Complications | PONV


What is a PONV? PONV is the abbreviation for postoperative nausea and vomiting and describes nausea and vomiting after general anesthesia. Besides postoperative pain, PONV is one of the most common complaints after surgery. Every third person suffers from it. If a person is prone to nausea, the probability of developing PONV again under further … PONV

After-effects of anesthesia

Introduction An operation and the associated anaesthesia is a particular strain on the body, which is why the body can react accordingly after such a procedure. These after-effects of anesthesia can vary greatly from person to person, both in number and intensity. Complications can occur in the area of the cardiovascular system, but nausea and … After-effects of anesthesia

Aftereffects in children | After-effects of anesthesia

Aftereffects in children Just like adults, children react very differently to anesthesia. The drugs used in general anesthesia have a central effect on the brain, which is why children and also adults can show unusual behavior after anesthesia. Anaesthetic after-effects in children occur mainly after longer or larger operations and are completely normal, which is … Aftereffects in children | After-effects of anesthesia

Aftereffects of anesthesia during gastroscopy | After-effects of anesthesia

Aftereffects of anesthesia during gastroscopy In the case of a gastroscopy, some patients are given a general anaesthetic. Basically, the after-effects of the anesthesia are the same as with any other anesthesia. Dizziness, nausea, memory disorders and confusion are possible. Other after-effects, such as hoarseness and sore throat, are more likely to be caused by … Aftereffects of anesthesia during gastroscopy | After-effects of anesthesia

Therapy | After-effects of anesthesia

Therapy Blood pressure can be raised with so-called sympathomimetics, such as adrenaline. There are many ways to lower blood pressure, for example ß-blockers, ACE inhibitors or alpha-receptor blockers. There are also numerous options for treating pain, the most commonly used being opioids (pain relievers), the best-known of which is morphine. Alternatively, antipyretic (antipyretic) or anti-inflammatory … Therapy | After-effects of anesthesia

Prophylaxis | After-effects of anesthesia

Prophylaxis There is hardly anything that can be done against the after-effects of anesthesia, usually the patient is not in control of how he or she reacts to the anesthesia, but capable anesthetists are aware of this and select the most tolerable narcotics. All articles in this series: After-effects of anesthesia Aftereffects in children Aftereffects … Prophylaxis | After-effects of anesthesia


Definition Nausea is the stimulus or feeling of urgent vomiting. It is therefore a precursor or sign of vomiting. The body sends a signal with the nausea stimulus that something has been fed to it, for example, that it does not like and tries to get rid of the fed substance with the vomiting. The … Nausea

Therapy | Nausea

Therapy The nausea can be relieved with the help of medication, among other things. The antihistamine dimenhydrinate, which is known under the trade names Vomex® or Vomacur®, is particularly suitable for this. This drug can be obtained without a prescription from a pharmacy and is used both as a therapy for existing nausea and as … Therapy | Nausea