Presbyopia (Age-related farsightedness): Causes, Treatment

What is presbyopia? Presbyopia is not a disease in the true sense of the word, nor is it typical farsightedness. The reason for presbyopia is rather the aging process. Since this is quite natural, it is also called physiological (in contrast to “pathological” = “caused by disease”). The physiological changes of the lens already start … Presbyopia (Age-related farsightedness): Causes, Treatment


Synonyms retinal tumor What is a retinoblastoma? A retinoblastoma is a tumor of the retina (at the back of the eye). This tumor is genetic, i.e. hereditary. It usually occurs in childhood and is malignant. How common is retinoblastoma? Retinoblastoma is a congenital tumor or it develops in early childhood. It is the most common … Retinoblastoma

Causes of optic atrophy

The optic nerve is formed by approximately one million nerve fibers. These nerve fibers are grouped into bundles and meet about 10 to 15 millimeters behind the eyeball with the central artery of the retina and the vein. Together, the vessels then move forward in the interior of the nerves to the optic nerve head … Causes of optic atrophy

Mesotherapy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Mesotherapy is an alternative medical treatment that combines the elements of acupuncture with those of injection and reflexology therapy, injecting via microinjection mostly natural, low-dose and individually composed active substances into the skin areas of the body that cause the patient problems. With the injection, a skin depot forms as a carrier of the active … Mesotherapy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Vitreous body turbidity

Introduction Nearly everyone can recognize small black dots, fluff or threads when they look at a white wall, the sky or white paper, which other people present cannot see. These spots in the field of vision move flittingly together with the line of sight. They are called “flying mosquitoes” (Mouches volantes). They are caused by … Vitreous body turbidity

Neuroophthalmology: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Neuroophthalmology deals with defective vision caused by the so-called strabismus. It is a permanent or recurrent misalignment of the eyes. What is neuroophthalmology? Neuroophthalmology deals with defective vision caused by the so-called strabismus. Ophthalmology distinguishes between two forms of this defective vision: congenital and acquired. When a person squints, his or her eyes do not … Neuroophthalmology: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Red eyes

Synonyms Red eye in the broadest sense: conjunctivitis, conjunctivitis Definition reddened eyes Red eyes is the leading symptom of conjunctivitis. However, the red eye can also occur in many other eye diseases. The conjunctiva is the primarily affected structure of the eye. It usually appears whitish. Red eyes rarely occur as the sole symptom. In … Red eyes


Synonyms in a broader sense Hyperopia, hyperopia, hypermetropia, presbyopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, nearsightedness Definition In farsightedness (hyperopia) there is an imbalance between the refractive power and the length of the eyeball. Long-sighted people see well at a distance, but objects appear blurred at close range. The eyeball is too short in relation to the refractive power … Long-sightedness