The maternal passport

The mother’s passport is a very important document that was introduced in Germany in 1961 to document preventive examinations during pregnancy. Every pregnant woman receives this document from her gynecologist after a pregnancy has been diagnosed. The maternity passport should be brought to every pregnancy check-up with the gynecologist as well as to the midwife … The maternal passport

Glucose tolerance test during pregnancy

Definition – What is a glucose tolerance test? The oral glucose tolerance test (oGTT) is a test that checks the body’s glucose processing. Elevated blood sugar levels in this test indicate a glucose tolerance disorder or even diabetes mellitus. The oral glucose tolerance test is performed as part of prenatal care between the 24th and … Glucose tolerance test during pregnancy

Can you do it yourself? | Glucose tolerance test during pregnancy

Can you do it yourself? There are already attempts to develop such a test for home use. So far the glucose tolerance test can be accomplished however only with the physician. This is due to the fact that an exact execution with the correct quantity of sugar and an exact keeping of the time intervals … Can you do it yourself? | Glucose tolerance test during pregnancy

Duration | Glucose tolerance test during pregnancy

Duration The costs for the glucose tolerance test are about 20 Euro. However, the costs are covered by the health insurance company in the context of preventive medical checkups for pregnant women. Does the health insurance pay for it? The costs of the glucose tolerance test during pregnancy have been covered by health insurance companies … Duration | Glucose tolerance test during pregnancy

U10 Examination

Synonyms U-examination, examination at the pediatrician, U1- U11, youth health counseling, development guidelines, pre-school examination, one-year examination, four-year examination General information The U 10 is the eleventh examination of the child and is performed at the age of about 7 to 8 years. There are a total of 12 examinations from the first minute of … U10 Examination

Procedure of the examination – what is done? | U10 Examination

Procedure of the examination – what is done? Every examination should start with a medical history. The pediatrician will pay special attention to the child’s social development and ask how it is doing in school. Are there problems with learning or with other children? Also, as with U9, the medical history will be examined again. … Procedure of the examination – what is done? | U10 Examination

Further points of investigation | U10 Examination

Further points of investigation One of the most important diseases that can occur at this age and therefore need to be examined is ADHD. The abbreviation ADHS means attention deficit syndrome, it is particularly noticeable at a young age and should be treated. The symptoms of this disease are: Problems with attention hyperactivity, for example … Further points of investigation | U10 Examination

Preventive medical checkups | Examinations during pregnancy

Preventive medical checkups At each check-up appointment the body weight is determined and the blood pressure is measured. Excessive weight gain may indicate water retention in the legs, as may occur in pre-eclampsia. Pre-eclampsia is a disease in pregnancy that is associated with high blood pressure and can complicate both the pregnancy and the puerperium. … Preventive medical checkups | Examinations during pregnancy

The U-examinations

What are the U examinations? The U examinations (also called preventive child check-ups) are early detection examinations in which the mental and physical development of a child is regularly checked within the framework of a pediatric examination in order to be able to recognize and treat any maturation disorders at an early stage. These include … The U-examinations