Sprouts: Health from the Windowsill

Rapidly germinating sprouts of lentils, alfalfa, mung beans and Co. are healthy and delicious. Especially in winter, when there is not much to harvest in the field, in the garden or on the balcony, it is worthwhile to grow sprouts. How you can easily grow sprouts yourself and what healthy ingredients are in them, we … Sprouts: Health from the Windowsill

Caution Fasting Cure: when Food Deprivation Becomes a Danger

In principle, fasting cures are suitable for improving physical well-being. However, since the process is a considerable burden on the metabolism, such a project should only be carried out in consultation with a medical professional. Because if done incorrectly, food deprivation can do more harm than good. Why fasting can also do harm During fasting, … Caution Fasting Cure: when Food Deprivation Becomes a Danger

Peach: Intolerance & Allergy

The peach belongs to the genus Prunus and the rose family (Rasaceae). They belong to the stone fruit and are particularly popular as a summer fruit. There are a countless number of varieties, which not only look different, but some also taste different. This is what you should know about the peach The peach is … Peach: Intolerance & Allergy

Plum: Intolerance & Allergy

The plum, a stone fruit, enjoys great popularity worldwide. The generic term plum includes several types of stone fruit. These differ in various characteristics, such as juice content and ripening time. These include the plum, mirabelle plum and reneclode, among others. This is what you should know about the plum Due to the trace elements … Plum: Intolerance & Allergy

Potassium: Function & Diseases

As a positively charged ion (cation), potassium is one of the essential minerals and is essential for cell and nerve function. Mode of action of potassium A blood test of potassium levels is used by physicians to further diagnose various diseases. Potassium, along with sodium as its counterpart, is one of the most important electrolytes … Potassium: Function & Diseases

Coconut: Intolerance & Allergy

Coconut has been popular for thousands of years due to its delicious taste as well as its beneficial properties. It belongs to the palm family. Botanically, the coconut does not belong to the nuts, but to the drupes. This is what you should know about the coconut Much of the vegetable fats found in coconut … Coconut: Intolerance & Allergy

Fire Bean: Intolerance & Allergy

Fire bean, a legume, belongs to the butterfly family. Other familiar names include beetle bean or showy bean. Originating in the humid mountain valleys of Central America, the name of the fire bean results from the usually fiery red flowers. This is what you should know about the fire bean Originally from the humid mountain … Fire Bean: Intolerance & Allergy

Paracrine Secretion: Function, Role & Diseases

Paracrine secretion is the medical term for hormone secretion into the interstitium that acts on cells in the immediate environment. Paracrine secretion primarily serves to differentiate tissues. Paracrine disorders can affect bone formation, for example, and show effects on the entire hormonal system. What is paracrine secretion? Paracrine secretion is the medical term for hormone … Paracrine Secretion: Function, Role & Diseases

Lambs Lettuce: Intolerance & Allergy

Lamb’s lettuce belongs to the honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae) and the Valerian subfamily (Valerianoideae). The genus includes 80 species in North America, North Africa, and Eurasia. Common lamb’s lettuce is the best known species, which is the standard on the table in our latitude. This is what you should know about lamb’s lettuce Lamb’s lettuce has … Lambs Lettuce: Intolerance & Allergy