Psychoanalysis: Definition, reasons, process

Brief overview Description: Depth psychological method for the treatment of mental problems, based on the psychological concept of Siegmund Freud Application: Mental illnesses, processing of stressful experiences, resolving mental conflicts, further development of the personality Procedure: Dialogue between therapist and patient, analytical reflection on life’s journey Risks: Lengthy and labor-intensive, very painful experiences are also … Psychoanalysis: Definition, reasons, process

Mental Health

The World Health Organization (WHO) is sounding the alarm: negative stress is the greatest health threat of the 21st century. And depression – currently the fourth most common cause of illness worldwide – is expected to be the most widespread health impairment after cardiovascular disease by 2020. In scientific terms, the soul is identical to … Mental Health

Instincts and Drives: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Instincts or drives are innate driving bases for certain behaviors. Instinctual behavior occurs outside of mental control and is embedded in the central nervous system via reflexes, for example. In humans, the innate order of instincts is subordinate to the social order. What are the instincts? Instinctual behavior takes place outside of mental control and … Instincts and Drives: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Conditioning: Treatment, Effects & Risks

The term conditioning originates from the field of psychology. Here, a distinction is made between classical conditioning and instrumental or operant conditioning. Conditioning is primarily used in learning and education. Critics feel the approach of conditioning as too one-sided, because too many other forms of learning are thereby disregarded or even dangerous, if learning degenerates … Conditioning: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Attachment Capacity: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Good and stable relationships significantly influence our well-being, because good communication and the feeling of being able to trust strengthen the body and mind of each individual. People who have strong attachments are happier than those who have deficits in attachment skills. This has been proven by many studies. The foundations for human bonding ability … Attachment Capacity: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Confrontation therapy | Therapy of agoraphobia

Confrontation therapy Within behavioral therapy, confrontation with anxiety-inducing situations has proven to be a successful method for losing the fear of situations or objects. The affected person consciously seeks out the situations (often accompanied by the therapist) that he or she has avoided in the past or only sought out with great fear. The aim … Confrontation therapy | Therapy of agoraphobia

Persistent somatoform pain disorder (ASS)

Synonyms Pain disorder, psychalgia English term: pain disorder, somatoform pain disorderA persistent somatoform pain disorder (ASD) is a disorder characterized by persistent severe pain without somatic (physical) cause, so that psychological causes are regarded as triggers (emotional conflicts, psychosocial problems). A variety of causes can cause a persistent somatoform pain disorder. Accordingly, it is less … Persistent somatoform pain disorder (ASS)

Self-test “Depression”

General There are numerous tests, especially on the Internet, which can be performed anonymously and quickly. You can also get them at the appropriate institutions or from your doctor. Mostly they do not consist of many questions. There are usually between 10 and 20 questions. These are rather general and do not go into detail. … Self-test “Depression”

What is the Goldberg depression test? | Self-test “Depression”

What is the Goldberg depression test? The psychiatrist Ivan K. Goldberg developed a questionnaire for the diagnosis of depression. These tests are easy to find on the Internet and give a good orientation whether one is suffering from depression or depressive moods. The test consists of 18 questions, each with one of five possible answers. … What is the Goldberg depression test? | Self-test “Depression”