Physiotherapy for a pelvic fracture

Physiotherapy is an integral part of rehabilitation measures in the case of a pelvic fracture. What the individual treatment plan for the patient looks like depends mainly on the type and extent of the pelvic fracture. A stable pelvic fracture can usually be treated completely conservatively, whereas unstable pelvic fractures always require surgery and take … Physiotherapy for a pelvic fracture

Physiotherapy – exercises for pelvic fracture | Physiotherapy for a pelvic fracture

Physiotherapy – exercises for pelvic fracture 1. mobilization 2. strengthening of muscles 3. stretching 4. mobility 5. stretching 6. mobility For this exercise, lie on your back and place a rolled up towel under your knees. Now alternately pull the left or right side of your pelvis towards the respective shoulder. Try to achieve a … Physiotherapy – exercises for pelvic fracture | Physiotherapy for a pelvic fracture

Prognosis after myocardial infarction

Cardiac arrhythmias Early complications, which can occur during the first 48 hours after a heart attack, make the immediate post-infarction period the most dangerous for the patient. In 95-100% of cases, cardiac arrhythmias occur after the heart attack, which can range from additional beats of the ventricle to fatal ventricular fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation or a … Prognosis after myocardial infarction

Embolism | Prognosis after myocardial infarction

Embolism Embolisms, i.e. blood clots (thrombi) carried in the bloodstream, can enter the arterial vascular system after a heart attack and lead to a stroke, for example, by closing a vessel in the brain. The risk of developing thrombi in the heart is particularly increased when rhythm disturbances occur during a heart attack and coagulation … Embolism | Prognosis after myocardial infarction

Prognosis | Prognosis after myocardial infarction

Prognosis 2/3 of patients with heart attacks die in the prehospitalization phase, i.e. the time before arriving at the hospital, the most common cause of death being ventricular fibrillation. The risk of fatal arrhythmias is highest immediately after the infarction – therefore it is important to provide patients with an efficient therapy as soon as … Prognosis | Prognosis after myocardial infarction

What to Know About Rehab after Cancer

Cancer treatment is very stressful for those affected. After chemotherapy or surgery due to cancer, usually not only the body but also the mind is weakened. Oncology rehabilitation can help cancer patients recover after treatment. Oncology is the name given to the science that deals with cancer. During oncology rehab, patients receive therapy and counseling … What to Know About Rehab after Cancer

Brain death

English term brain death, cerebral death Definition The term brain death is understood to mean the non-existent and irreversible activity of vital brain areas (cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem) during cardiovascular function still maintained by artificial respiration (Scientific Advisory Council of the German Medical Association, 1997). Brain death in the scientific-medical sense means the death of … Brain death