Procedure | Endoscopy

Procedure How an endoscopy is performed depends entirely on the location of the examination (i.e., the location of the endoscope).B. gastrointestinal tract, lungs/bronchia, nasal cavity, knee joint, etc.) If the endoscope is introduced via the mouth, care should be taken in advance to remove dentures and piercings in the oral area. If an examination of … Procedure | Endoscopy


Definition The word “endoscopy” comes from the Greek and is translated from the two words “inside” (endon) and “observe” (skopein). As the word suggests, endoscopy is a medical procedure that uses a special device – the endoscope – to look inside body cavities and hollow organs. This procedure, also known as endoscopy, enables the physician … Endoscopy

Rhinoscopy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Rhinoscopy represents an instrumental examination procedure for the evaluation of the nasal cavity. In general, rhinoscopic visual examinations are among the routine procedures in otolaryngology and are associated with correspondingly low risks and complications. What is rhinoscopy? Rhinoscopy is the term used to describe the visual inspection or mirroring (-copy) of the nose (rhino-). Rhinoscopy … Rhinoscopy: Treatment, Effect & Risks