Injury in soccer

Introduction Soccer is a dynamic team sport. From the point of view of sports medicine, the risk of injury is high. Various characteristics of soccer are responsible for this: Soccer is a speed sport with many fast changes of movement, short sprints etc. This leads to short-term peak loads again and again. Soccer is a … Injury in soccer

Possible injuries of the arms (upper extremity) | Injury in soccer

Possible injuries of the arms (upper extremity) The possibilities of injuries to the arms (upper extremities) are manifold. Mostly they are caused by falls. By falling on the shoulder or the stretched out arm it can: come. Falling on the wrist can result in a broken spoke (radius fracture). A step or fall on the … Possible injuries of the arms (upper extremity) | Injury in soccer

Which Sport Suits Me?

Anyone starting a new sport should find out about the requirements in advance. Be it the right equipment, the physical requirements for it, the fun factor or the fitness factor. Everyone needs the sport that suits him and compensates for his everyday life. Ambitious people should choose slower sports like Nordic walking or swimming to … Which Sport Suits Me?