Which antibiotics are allowed? | Tooth root inflammation during pregnancy

Which antibiotics are allowed? Nearly all antibiotic groups reach such a high concentration in the belly of the child as in the mother’s circulation, which is why an intake should be taken with caution and care. In general, penicillins are considered the antibiotic of choice both during pregnancy and while breast-feeding, because they achieve the … Which antibiotics are allowed? | Tooth root inflammation during pregnancy

Home remedies for pain | Tooth root inflammation during pregnancy

Home remedies for pain There are some myths about home remedies that are supposed to provide lasting relief from pain symptoms in the case of tooth root inflammation, but some of them do not produce any positive effect at all. Especially during pregnancy, expectant mothers are particularly sensitive when it comes to the unborn child … Home remedies for pain | Tooth root inflammation during pregnancy

Duration and prognosis of swelling in the neck under the jaw | Swelling of the neck under the jaw

Duration and prognosis of swelling in the neck under the jaw Duration and prognosis of swelling are mainly determined by the underlying mechanism. Acute diseases are usually healed within a few days to weeks, whereas chronic processes often last several weeks to months and can only be completely treated with causal therapy. If there is … Duration and prognosis of swelling in the neck under the jaw | Swelling of the neck under the jaw

The inflammation | Inflammation of the tooth root

The inflammation It is necessary to differentiate between inflammation of the root of the tooth, pulpitis, and inflammation of the tip of the tooth (apical periodontitis). In root canal inflammation, it is not the root itself that is affected, but the tissue surrounding the root. This is called periodontium. The periodontium includes the gums (gingiva), … The inflammation | Inflammation of the tooth root

Bleaching: Treatment, Effect & Risks

For a long time there has been a desire among people to have white teeth, which led to attempts to whiten teeth several hundred years ago. At that time, the whitening of the teeth was done with damaging agents such as urine or even acids. In the meantime, there are good, ph-neutral agents that do … Bleaching: Treatment, Effect & Risks


Synonyms Gingivitis Introduction The term “gingivitis” is used in dentistry to describe an inflammation of the gums. Gingivitis has to be distinguished from periodontitis, the spread of inflammatory processes within the periodontium, in purely technical terms. Nevertheless, there is a causal connection between gingivitis and periodontitis (incorrectly known as periodontosis), because in many cases an … Gingivitis