Skull: Structure, Function & Diseases

The skull is the term used to describe the bones of the head. In medical parlance, the skull is also called “cranium”. Thus, if a process exists “intracranially” (tumors, bleeding, etc.) according to the doctor, this means “located in the skull“. What is the cranium? One would think that the skull is a single, large, … Skull: Structure, Function & Diseases

Throat, Nose and Ears

When there is a disease of the throat, nose or ears, the three body parts are usually treated together. This is due to the many connections that exist between these important organs. What is the structure and function of the ear, nose and throat, what diseases are common and how are they diagnosed and treated … Throat, Nose and Ears

Nose: Structure, Function & Diseases

The human nose is not only an important aesthetic component of the face. It simultaneously houses one of our developmentally oldest senses. It also serves vital breathing and acts as an “outpost” of the body’s defense against infection. What is the nose? Schematic diagram showing the anatomy of the nose and sinuses. Click to enlarge. … Nose: Structure, Function & Diseases

Polyps in the nose

Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: Polyposis nasi nasal polyps Introduction Nasal polyps (Polyposis nasi, nasal polyps) are benign growths of the mucous membrane of the nose or paranasal sinuses. These changes are usually accompanied by restricted nasal breathing and can lead to secondary diseases if left untreated. However, since early diagnosis and a good … Polyps in the nose

History | Polyps in the nose

History In principle, polyps of the nose take a benign course. In about 90% of the patients, the symptoms are initially eliminated or at least significantly improved by surgery.Unfortunately, polyps of the nose and paranasal sinuses tend to occur again and again (recurrences). Therefore, a consistent follow-up treatment is absolutely necessary, which includes the use … History | Polyps in the nose

Postnasal drip syndrome

What is a postnasal drip syndrome In postnasal drip syndrome (PNDS), fluid drips from the nasopharynx down into the throat (“postnasal” Latin = coming after the nose, “drip” English = dripping). This is a running nose, so to speak, except that the secretion does not come out of the nose at the front, but rather … Postnasal drip syndrome