Skin cancer screening

Skin cancer screening is a measure from the field of prevention. The aim of screening is to detect diseases as early as possible. On the one hand, the aim is to detect preliminary stages of the disease before they manifest themselves with the typical symptoms. In the case of tumors in particular, metastases have often … Skin cancer screening

Who can perform skin cancer screening? | Skin cancer screening

Who can perform skin cancer screening? Special training is required to be able to perform skin cancer screening. This ensures a standardized procedure for skin cancer screening paid for by the insurance companies. Accordingly, the screening is still offered primarily by dermatologists, i.e. dermatologists. Of course, they also have the greatest expertise when it comes … Who can perform skin cancer screening? | Skin cancer screening

Typical abnormal findings | Skin cancer screening

Typical abnormal findings Skin cancer screening serves to identify the three most common skin tumors. A distinction is made between so-called black skin cancer in the form of malignant melanoma and light skin cancer. Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma belong to this light skin cancer.All three differ in their course, prognosis and further … Typical abnormal findings | Skin cancer screening