Sperm: Quantity, smell, composition

What is semen? Semen is the seminal fluid that is expelled from the urethra of the penis during ejaculation. It is a milky-cloudy to yellowish-grey, gelatinous fluid. The seminal fluid has a sweetish odor and is also described as smelling like chestnut blossoms. The seminal fluid consists of secretions from the prostate, seminal vesicles, Cowper’s … Sperm: Quantity, smell, composition

Spermiogram: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Spermiogram is the examination of male sperm with the aim of finding out whether they are capable of fertilizing a female egg without outside assistance. Spermiograms are often the beginning of a man’s examination in couples’ problems getting pregnant. What is the spermiogram? Spermiogram is the examination of male sperm with the aim of finding … Spermiogram: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Epididymis: Waiting Loop for Sperms

Very few men (let alone women) know that in addition to the testicles, the scrotum also houses the epididymis. Yet these are particularly important for male fertility: this is where sperm mature and wait for their “assignment”. What do the epididymis look like and what exactly do they do? The epididymis (epididymis, parorchis), together with … Epididymis: Waiting Loop for Sperms

Diagnosis | Male infertility

Diagnosis General diagnostics: For many couples it is initially a problem to be able to admit that the reason for the childlessness could possibly be one of both partners. The way to get help and counselling is often a burden for both spouses, not only for the relationship, but also for their own psyche. It … Diagnosis | Male infertility

Therapy | Male infertility

Therapy Insemination: In this method, the sperm of a man is processed. The prerequisite for this is that the man has only a slight fertility disorder and that there are still enough sperm available. The processed sperm are then inserted into the woman’s uterus during ovulation using a catheter. The fertilization can still take place … Therapy | Male infertility

Male infertility

Synonyms Impotence, sterility, infertility Definition Sterility is usually defined as the inability of a couple to conceive children if, despite the desire to have children, conception does not occur after at least one year of sexual intercourse without contraception. The reason for the unfulfilled desire to have children can lie with both the woman and … Male infertility


Definition Sperm cells are the male germ cells. Colloquially, they are also called sperm cells. In medicine, the term spermatozoa is often used. They contain the male genetic material for reproduction. This is the single set of chromosomes which, together with the single female set of chromosomes from the egg cell, results in the double … Sperm