Stab wound

What is a stab wound? Stab wounds are caused by sharp objects such as needles, knives or scissors that pierce the skin and cause considerable damage in deeper tissue layers. There is a great risk of infection in this type of injury, since pathogenic pathogens can be introduced into deeper tissue during the stabbing process … Stab wound

Diagnosis | Stab wound

Diagnosis Diagnosis of stab wounds is quite easy due to the associated symptoms, the characteristics of the wound and the course of the accident. Extensive physical examinations are performed to assess the extent and depth of the wound. In the case of chest injuries, X-rays are taken to diagnose lung injuries or possible air infiltration. … Diagnosis | Stab wound

First aid for wounds

Introduction Wounds can be caused by direct force (accident, cut, fall), extreme temperatures (burns or chills) and chemical substances (burns). Depending on the cause and extent of the wound, different first aid measures are indicated. In the case of minor injuries, these measures are often already a sufficient form of treatment. Often, however, further professional … First aid for wounds

Preparation | Pleural puncture

Preparation Before the procedure, the patient is first given a detailed explanation of the procedure and possible complications. If the procedure is planned, the patient should be informed <24h before the procedure. After the doctor has explained the procedure to the patient and before the procedure, a written consent form must be signed. Laboratory values … Preparation | Pleural puncture

Aftercare | Pleural puncture

Aftercare When the puncture is completed, the needle is removed and pressed onto the puncture site with a swab. Then it is well connected and fixed with a stable adhesive bandage. The ultrasound device is then used to check again whether there is still residual effusion in the pleural gap. Any findings are documented. By … Aftercare | Pleural puncture

Pleural puncture

Definition A pleural puncture is the puncture of the pleural space between the ribs and the lungs. A distinction is made between diagnostic and therapeutic pleural puncture. The diagnostic puncture is used to obtain material. The material obtained can then be used for diagnostics, for example to determine pathogens or to detect tuberculosis. It thus … Pleural puncture