What is Behind the Abbreviation “RR” When Measuring Blood Pressure?

The principle of blood pressure measurement without blood goes back to the Italian physician Scipione Riva-Rocci (1863-1943), so the abbreviation RR according to Riva-Rocci is commonly used for blood pressure measured on the arm. The predecessor of blood pressure monitors of today The apparatus that Riva-Rocci built consisted of a bicycle inner tube that he … What is Behind the Abbreviation “RR” When Measuring Blood Pressure?

Heart Sounds

Heart sounds are present in every healthy person and occur during the heart action. During the physical examination with the stethoscope, the auscultation, possible damage to the heart valves and cardiac dysrhythmia can be detected. A total of two heart sounds are normally audible, in children and adolescents under certain circumstances up to four. The … Heart Sounds

Stethoscope: Treatment, Effect & Risks

The acoustic stethoscope is used in human medicine to listen to and auscultate various body sounds. Typically, these are heart sounds, sounds in the lungs and bronchi during inhalation and exhalation, bowel sounds caused by peristalsis, and possibly flow sounds in certain veins (e.g., the carotid arteries). Listening is done non-invasively, and the stethoscope is … Stethoscope: Treatment, Effect & Risks