
Introduction The tabatière, also known as foveola radialis, is a small, elongated triangular depression on the thumb side (radial side) of the carpal. It is particularly prominent when all fingers are held extended and the thumb is spread apart. Since snuffers used to put their snuff in portions into the depression and inhale from it, … Tabatiere

Removal of the radial artery (for what, how does it work?) | Radial artery

Removal of the radial artery (for what, how does it work?) A removal of the radial artery can be performed as part of a bypass operation. Bypass surgery is used to bridge a narrowing of the coronary arteries. If the coronary vessels no longer allow enough blood to pass through, the heart muscles may be … Removal of the radial artery (for what, how does it work?) | Radial artery