Neck pain – help from physiotherapy

Nowadays more and more people suffer from back problems, especially in the neck area. Painful tensions or blockages then lead those affected to a doctor or physiotherapist. Through targeted loosening and stretching exercises, the therapist then loosens the muscles to relieve and relax the neck. In addition, a specific strengthening training of the muscles is … Neck pain – help from physiotherapy

Neck pain after/despite physiotherapy | Neck pain – help from physiotherapy

Neck pain after/despite physiotherapy In many cases, physiotherapeutic treatments for neck pain can also cause neck pain after physiotherapy, especially in the initial phase of treatment. This may be due to the fact that the previously tense muscles initially hurt due to the loosening exercises, as in the case of a sore muscle, or that … Neck pain after/despite physiotherapy | Neck pain – help from physiotherapy

How long do the vision problems last? | Duration of a cervical spine syndrome

How long do the vision problems last? Visual disturbances can occur in cervical spine syndrome due to the underregulation of the blood supply to the eye, e.g. at the carotid arteries or vertebral arteries. The symptoms can last from a few seconds to minutes. Often leaving a stressful situation or relaxation helps to reduce the … How long do the vision problems last? | Duration of a cervical spine syndrome

Pain under the ribs

Pain under the ribs is a very common, but initially not threatening problem. The pain can be attributed to a variety of causes. Only in the rarest cases are there serious organic diseases behind it. Pain under the ribs can be direct or transmitted pain. If the pain is unbearably severe or does not improve … Pain under the ribs