Pain in the outer thigh

Introduction Pain in the outer thigh is often caused by muscular tension and is not uncommon. Running sports such as football, handball or endurance running can cause problems. Often, athletes who increase their training too quickly, do not warm up their muscles and tendons before the sport or do not stretch them sufficiently after the … Pain in the outer thigh

The accompanying symptoms | Pain in the outer thigh

The accompanying symptoms The numbness of the skin indicates nerve irritation or damage. The outer thigh is supplied by the so-called nervus cutaneus femoris lateralis. If this nerve is constricted in its course, numbness occurs in addition to pain. This nerve irritation is also called meralgia paraesthetica or colloquially called jeans lesion.The constriction of the … The accompanying symptoms | Pain in the outer thigh

Tractus Syndrome

Synonyms Runner’s knee, runner’s knee, ilio-tibial ligament syndrome, friction syndrome Definition A tractus syndrome is a pain syndrome, mainly caused by overstrain, which spreads mainly in the area of the outside of the knee and Pain and Can cause movement impairments. Causes In order to ensure the movement of the lower extremity, muscles and their … Tractus Syndrome

Tendinitis in the knee

Definition The term tendonitis is used to describe an inflammatory reaction, which is usually caused by overloading. Sportsmen and women in particular are often affected by tendonitis in the knee. However, a distinction must be made between two forms. A chronic course is called tendinosis. This is caused by long-term overstraining of the tendon with … Tendinitis in the knee

Runner’s knee

Synonyms Iliotibial Band Syndrome Tractus Syndrome Tractus scrubbing Tractus iliotibialis syndrome IBS (Iliotibial Band Syndrome) Definition A runner’s knee / tractus rubbing is a degenerative change in the tractus iliotibialis, mainly caused by running movements, with associated, sometimes severe, pain in the outer area of the knee joint. Symptoms The main symptoms of a runner’s … Runner’s knee