Angina pectoris

Definition Angina pectoris is an undersupply of oxygen to the heart, which is accompanied by seizure-like pain. Angina pectoris is divided into stable, unstable and prinzmetal angina. All of them are based on a deficient supply of oxygen to the heart. Prinzmetal’s angina differs from the other two in the cause of the lack of … Angina pectoris

Typical signs of angina pectoris | Angina pectoris

Typical signs of angina pectoris The first signs of angina pectoris usually become apparent during physical exertion or psychological stress. In such situations, the oxygen demand of the body increases. As a result, the heart has to perform increased pumping work, which in turn requires a better blood supply to the heart. However, the increased … Typical signs of angina pectoris | Angina pectoris

What is an angina pectoris attack? | Angina pectoris

What is an angina pectoris attack? Angina pectoris describes pain and a feeling of tightness or pressure in the chest. These symptoms are usually not permanent. Rather, they occur in certain situations in attacks. Possible triggers are, for example, physical activity and psychological stress, as both situations increase the body’s oxygen demand. Such an angina … What is an angina pectoris attack? | Angina pectoris

Therapy | Angina pectoris

Therapy The therapy of angina pectoris is divided into different areas. These include symptomatic therapy during an acute attack of angina pectoris, long-term drug therapy and the reopening of narrowed vessel sections (revascularization). Possible measures are listed below and then explained in more detail. In the case of an acute attack of angina pectoris, the … Therapy | Angina pectoris

Which sports are beneficial for angina pectoris? | Angina pectoris

Which sports are beneficial for angina pectoris? With angina pectoris, too much physical strain often leads to the acute onset of a seizure, so sport should be started very slowly. In addition, the intensity of training should be discussed with the doctor in charge. There are specialized heart sport groups for a safe start into … Which sports are beneficial for angina pectoris? | Angina pectoris

Forms of angina pectoris and their treatment: | Therapy of angina pectoris

Forms of angina pectoris and their treatment: Angina pectoris (chest tightness) is a symptom that usually occurs as part of a circulatory disorder of the heart vessels, known as coronary heart disease (CHD). A stable angina pectoris is present if it has occurred repeatedly and always to about the same extent. Although this is a … Forms of angina pectoris and their treatment: | Therapy of angina pectoris

Guidelines | Therapy of angina pectoris

Guidelines The guidelines of the German Society of Cardiology contain recommendations for the treatment of angina pectoris. They are not binding for the attending physician, but are orienting and guiding. In summary, the guidelines suggest the following treatment concepts. First, the patient should pay attention to a healthy lifestyle. Cholesterol levels and blood fats should … Guidelines | Therapy of angina pectoris

Which sport can help? | Therapy of angina pectoris

Which sport can help? The right sport in the right dose leads to an improved blood circulation of the heart. However, sport is contraindicated in patients with unstable angina pectoris. Patients who are already known to have coronary heart disease should first consult their attending cardiologist. The cardiologist can decide whether and to what extent … Which sport can help? | Therapy of angina pectoris

What are the diagnostic procedures? | Angina pectoris attack

What are the diagnostic procedures? To diagnose an angina pectoris attack, the symptoms are first determined in an anamnestic interview. In this context, particular emphasis is placed on physical resilience and the symptoms that depend on it. The physical examination is usually unremarkable, but sometimes signs of a vascular calcifying disease can be found. These … What are the diagnostic procedures? | Angina pectoris attack