Premature Placental Abruption: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Premature placental abruption (abruptio placentae) is a very serious complication during pregnancy that acutely endangers the life and health of the unborn child as well as the mother. What is premature placental abruption? As a rule, when a premature placental abruption is recognized, a cesarean section is induced as soon as possible, provided that the … Premature Placental Abruption: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hematoma in the Uterus

A hematoma in the uterus is especially common during the first weeks of pregnancy. Depending on the location and size of the hematoma, it may be either harmless or of concern to the pregnancy. Often the hematoma is caused by the implantation of the embryo in the uterus. In addition, the bruise can also be … Hematoma in the Uterus

Cysts and Fibroids

Among the many technical terms used by medical professionals, the term “tumor” most often gives rise to misunderstanding and groundless, unnecessary anxiety. A typical example: the gynecologist discovers cysts on the woman’s ovaries during an examination. He notes the diagnosis “adnexal tumor” on the medical chart or in the hospital admission, meaning only that something … Cysts and Fibroids