Eat and Live Vegan

Vegan diet means to eat completely without animal foods. No animal products? What can you then eat at all and is that then even healthy? Vegans hear these questions very often. Nevertheless, they are fine, even without animal foods and products. What constitutes a vegan diet, what health benefits it has and what risks it … Eat and Live Vegan

How important is a healthy diet for mother and baby? | Nutrition during the lactation period

How important is a healthy diet for mother and baby? Nutrition plays a major role primarily for the health of the nursing mother. The health of the child is also secondarily strongly influenced by the diet and especially by the intake of toxins such as alcohol or nicotine. Therefore, a healthy diet and the avoidance … How important is a healthy diet for mother and baby? | Nutrition during the lactation period

Flatulence during the nursing period | Nutrition during the lactation period

Flatulence during the nursing period Flatulence during breastfeeding can be due to various causes. It often takes several weeks or even months after a pregnancy until the woman’s physical condition returns to normal. Temporary digestive disorders are also not uncommon in this context. If one suffers from flatulence, one should avoid foods that additionally promote … Flatulence during the nursing period | Nutrition during the lactation period

Why does my baby get a sore bottom? | Nutrition during the lactation period

Why does my baby get a sore bottom? There is no scientific evidence that certain foods would cause a sore bottom in a child.Therefore, a general renunciation of foods such as tomatoes, fruit, onions or cabbage, which are often suspected, is not justified. They are important sources of vitamins and nutrients and should therefore be … Why does my baby get a sore bottom? | Nutrition during the lactation period

Hair loss due to iron deficiency

Introduction The human body is dependent on many trace elements. One of these trace elements is iron. Normally, we cover our daily iron requirements with various foods. Both a low intake and a loss of iron can lead to iron deficiency. This iron deficiency is associated with a variety of physical symptoms, which may include … Hair loss due to iron deficiency

Other symptoms of hair loss | Hair loss due to iron deficiency

Other symptoms of hair loss Since iron is necessary for blood formation and thus for the oxygen supply of the entire body, a deficiency leads to a variety of symptoms. Here, a distinction is made between specific symptoms, i.e. those that are typical for exactly this disease, and general symptoms. The specific symptoms include, for … Other symptoms of hair loss | Hair loss due to iron deficiency

Protein deficiency

What is a protein deficiency? Proteins have vital functions in the body. They are needed to build tissue, especially muscles. However, they also occur in a certain concentration in the blood. Here they transport important substances to their destination and bind the fluid in the vascular system. They are involved in blood clotting and perform … Protein deficiency

What do vegan vegetarians need to be aware of? | Protein deficiency

What do vegan vegetarians need to be aware of? Most people cover their protein requirements with animal protein by consuming meat and eggs. However, vegans consciously abstain from animal protein. And one must say completely clearly that also a vegane nutrition can be very protein-rich. Protein-rich vegan foods include beans, chickpeas and lentils. Tofu also … What do vegan vegetarians need to be aware of? | Protein deficiency

What is a protein deficiency idiot? | Protein deficiency

What is a protein deficiency idiot? The consequences of protein deficiency are serious. The body therefore tries everything to counteract an impending protein deficiency. Protein deficiency edema does not occur until all the body’s compensatory mechanisms have been exhausted. Protein deficiency edema is a pathological accumulation of fluid in the tissue. Fluid escapes from the … What is a protein deficiency idiot? | Protein deficiency