Pain during growth

Growing pains are the pains occurring in childhood, especially leg pain in children, hip pain in children or pain in the arms that is not due to other diseases. They often occur in batches and last for several weeks three to four times a year. Characteristically, the pain usually occurs during the night and disappears … Pain during growth

Therapy | Pain during growth

Therapy If the pain that occurs has turned out to be harmless pain during growth, by excluding other diseases, it can only be treated symptomatically to help the child survive it as best as possible. It needs a lot of affection and especially in the evening or at night attention to be able to fall … Therapy | Pain during growth

Youth Trend Hookah: More Dangerous Than Cigarettes

Alcopops were yesterday – today’s youth are into hookahs. In a recent survey by the German Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), for example, 14 percent of young people aged 12 to 17 said they had smoked hookah in the past month. In another study from Berlin’s Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district, nearly one in three young people … Youth Trend Hookah: More Dangerous Than Cigarettes

Strength training in youth

Introduction Strength training in adolescence is an often discussed topic with many concerns. Known concerns are that strength training is dangerous and damaging to the child’s development. Young people are not yet able to do many exercises, and many children do not want to do strength training at all. From the scientific side, there were … Strength training in youth

Special features | Strength training in youth

Special features In adolescence, different contents should be trained to support a good development of the body. In addition to bounce training, the strengthening of the holding muscles should be the main focus. The adolescent learns to handle weights and develops a feeling for different loads. The cardiovascular system benefits considerably from strength training in … Special features | Strength training in youth

Trembling hands in youth

Trembling hands are nothing unusual and in adolescence they are usually not a cause for concern. By definition, trembling hands are an uncontrolled, involuntary, but rhythmic hand movement that usually includes the forearms. The frequency with which the tremor occurs can vary from disease to disease. Causes The most common causes of trembling hands in … Trembling hands in youth

Phases of puberty

Definition Puberty (from Latin Pubertas = sexual maturity) describes a developmental process in late childhood and early adolescence, the so-called adolescence. In the course of puberty, complete sexual maturity occurs. Puberty is characterized by numerous drastic physical and psychological changes. The course of puberty can roughly be divided into 3 phases or stages. The three … Phases of puberty