Torn earlobe


Torn earlobes are a symptom that can occur in the context of various diseases and conditions. Affected persons usually find this very unpleasant, since the earlobe is a very sensitive part of the body. There can be very different causes for cracks in the earlobe, which can usually be distinguished by their accompanying symptoms.

Cracks in the earlobe, however, are usually no cause for concern. They occur more frequently in the cold winter months and are usually easy to get a grip on with good care. Diseases such as neurodermatitis, which can also lead to cracked earlobes, usually require a holistic therapy in which the cracks in the earlobe also receive relief.

Depending on the cause, itching, pain or dry, cracked areas in other regions of the skin can also occur. In the following article, the most important causes of torn earlobes and therapy options as well as other interesting aspects are explained. In case of torn ear cartilage, we recommend our page on: Ear cartilage


Cracked earlobes can have a variety of causes. It does not always have to be a disease or a deficiency symptom responsible for a cracked earlobe. Injuries or small scratch wounds are also quite typical at this point.

Among the most common causes are:

  • Wounds and injuries: Of course, wounds and injuries are possible causes for cracks in the earlobe. Improper piercing of ear holes, for example, can lead to cracks. Wearing earrings during sports activities also carries a risk of injury, with larger cracks in the earlobe or tearing through it completely.

    The absence of accompanying symptoms such as itching or dry and cracked skin speaks for an injury-related cause.

  • Allergic contact eczema: Allergic contact eczema is caused by skin contact with a certain substance to which the skin reacts allergically. Nickel is such a common allergen, which was often contained in earrings in the past. Today most jewelry is nickel-free.

    Typical symptoms are itching, small blisters and nodules as well as redness of the earlobe. By scratching the itchy skin, affected persons favor the development of cracks. A chronic eczema, which develops with constant contact with the allergen, often shows dry, cracked skin on the earlobe.

    The occurrence of a skin rash after contact with certain substances such as jewelry, creams or a new shampoo is suspected. See under eczema.

  • Atopic eczema: is also known as neurodermatitis. Neurodermatitis is a disease that leads to very dry skin, which can be accompanied by itching.

    The scratching causes cracks in the skin. Typically, the flexion sides of the arms and legs are also affected.

  • Fungal Disease: A fungal disease of the skin, known as tinea corporis, can cause the skin on the earlobes to crack. Typically, disc-shaped, reddened skin with a dark edge is also found on other parts of the body.

    Scaling and cracks in the skin are typical, as is severe itching.

  • Hypovitaminosis: Cracked and dry skin can still be an expression of a vitamin deficiency. Especially in a malnourished state or with a strict and spartan diet, deficiency symptoms can occur. More about vitamins.