Torn inner labia | The inner labia

Torn inner labia

An abscess is a collection of pus that is encapsulated and located in a space that was not previously in the body. They can also occur on the inner labia and are particularly painful there. Most often they are caused here by the infection of a gland (often the Barthollini gland) by bacteria.

An abscess should be treated by a gynaecologist by making an incision and removing the pus. Painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs and possibly antibiotics are used medicinally.

  • Abscess in the genital area – What helps?
  • Bartholinitis

Swollen inner labia

A swelling of the labia minora can be caused by many factors. Mechanical irritation (sex, sports, tight underwear) or an allergy ( latex, detergent, underwear, intimate hygiene products) can cause the swelling. This usually disappears again when the trigger is avoided.

Infections with viruses, bacteria or fungi can also cause swelling, which is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as redness, pain, itching, burning, altered discharge or skin symptoms. An infection should always be treated by a gynecologist.