Tosyl Chloramide Sodium


Tosylchloramide sodium is available in pharmacies as a solution (e.g., chloramine 1%) or as a pure substance. Specialty retailers can order it from Hänseler AG. It is also contained in a few veterinary medicines. A chloramine 1% solution can be prepared as follows:

A Tosyl chloramide sodium 1.0 g
B Purified water 99.0 g

Dissolve the powder in the purified water.

Structure and properties

Tosyl chloramide sodium (C7H7ClNNaO2S – 3H2O, Mr = 281.7 g/mol) exists as a white to slightly yellow crystalline powder that is slightly soluble in water and 96% soluble in ethanol. The T in chloramine T represents toluene, which is present in the structure.


Tosyl chloramide sodium (ATC D08AX04) has antiseptic properties. The effect is due to the release of oxygen and chlorine.


For disinfection of surfaces, hands, surfaces and body cavities (e.g., oral and pharyngeal mucosa). As a veterinary drug to prevent udder infections in cows and to treat against mycoses and ectoparasites in freshwater ornamental fish.


Concentrations of 0.05 to 2 percent are used, depending on the area of application.