Toxoplasmosis: Prevention

To prevent toxoplasmosis, attention must be paid to reducing risk factors.

Behavioral risk factors

  • Contact with cats
  • Contact with contaminated soil
  • Consumption of contaminated vegetables
  • Consumption of raw or insufficiently cooked meat, especially pork, sheep, goat, game and poultry.

Prevention factors (protective factors)

  • No consumption of raw or insufficiently cooked meat.
  • Wash raw vegetables and fruits thoroughly before consumption.
  • Do not drink raw milk, pasteurized milk instead.
  • Regular hand washing, esp. after.
    • Preparation of raw meat
    • Gardening, field or other earthwork
    • Contact with surface water
  • Kitchen hygiene *
    • Wash hands with hot water and soap before cooking
    • For raw products of animal origin such as eggs, fish or meat, use their own cutting boards, bowls and knives
    • Frequently change dishwashing sponges and boil-proof dish towels.
    • Clean workplace regularly with hot water and detergent
    • You must wash your hands after contact with eggs, fish or raw meat
  • Food preparation *
    • Observe the consumption date!
    • Use only fresh raw eggs, for example, for mayonnaise or tiramisu. Dishes containing eggs should be kept refrigerated and consumed as soon as possible.
    • Prepare salads and vegetables separately from meat and poultry.
    • Mirror or scrambled eggs should be heated until the yolk has coagulated, breakfast eggs should be cooked for at least five minutes
    • To kill pathogens such as salmonella, cooked food should reach a core temperature of at least 70 ° C!
    • Do not keep food warm at low temperatures, otherwise pathogens multiply quickly
    • If necessary, keep food warm at a minimum of 65 ° C or at temperatures of no more than 5 ° C
  • If cats in the household: daily cleaning of the litter box (preferably by non-pregnant household members); in case of pregnancy: feeding the cat with canned and/or dry food.

* Measures that also serve to prevent gastroenteritis (gastroenteritis).