Training of the abdominal musculature


As soon as the winter comes to an end, preparations for the summer begin. For many men and women, this also means that their sports program begins to be fit for the summer and to have a beautifully shaped and trained body. An important point here is the abdomen and the training of the abdominal muscles. A well trained and flat stomach looks good and is the goal of many people.

How often should the abdominal muscles be exercised?

A point of contention when training the abdominal muscles is often the frequency of training. A lot does not always help much in this case. This means that one should not train the abdominal muscles every day.

Two to three units per week for training the abdominal muscles are sufficient to achieve your personal goals. This avoids overtraining and reduces the risk of training yourself into a one-sided strength ratio in favor of the abdomen. The training should also always include the antagonistic muscles (antagonist muscles). If you want to do something for your abdominal and trunk muscles more than two or three times, you should resort to holistic exercises such as lunges, push-ups, knee bends, pull-ups and forearm support. These exercises always involve the abdominal and trunk muscles.

Can I train my abdominal muscles every day?

The abdominal muscles can be exercised every day. This statement is often found among fitness athletes. However, this sentence should be used with caution.

You can train your abdominal muscles every day, but for some reasons you should not do this. The muscles do not grow during training, but after the training session in the recovery phase. During this time the muscle regenerates and builds new muscle cells, depending on the strength of the training stimulus.

Therefore it is important to always allow the musculature certain breaks. Otherwise it can lead to overtraining and in the worst case to muscle loss. Therefore the rule of thumb is: every two to three days the abdominal muscles should be trained.