Treat a Hematoma

A hematoma – also called a bruise or bruise – occurs when blood leaks from injured vessels into body tissues. Hematomas can occur in a variety of places: In the eye, in the knee, in the head, as well as in the uterus during pregnancy. Bruises in the head can be extremely dangerous and must be surgically removed when they reach a certain size. Harmless hematomas, on the other hand, can be treated well by yourself with an ice pack and an ointment with heparin.

Causes of hematomas

Hematomas are usually caused by external force, such as a fall, bump or blow. A hematoma can occur during sports, for example, or as a result of an injury in everyday life. In addition, a hematoma can also be the result of a blood draw or an operation. Taking blood-thinning agents such as acetylsalicylic acid can increase the risk of developing a hematoma. People who suffer from hemophilia are particularly susceptible to hematomas. Because their blood clotting is impaired, even the smallest triggers can cause large-area hematomas. Bruising also occurs more frequently with increasing age, as the walls of the capillaries become thinner and the vessels can therefore rupture more quickly. In addition, as we age, our skin becomes thinner, making it harder for our vessels to protect themselves from injury. If you experience bruises for which there is no obvious reason, you should see a doctor immediately to rule out a serious cause.

Typical symptoms of a bruise

Depending on the severity of the injury, hematomas can hurt and swell to varying degrees. Typical of hematomas that lie directly under the skin is the dark red-blue hue they take on after some time. How quickly the symptoms become noticeable always depends on the location and size of the injury. If the hemorrhage is deep in the tissue, the external symptoms are usually mild. Swelling and discoloration of the skin rarely occur. If discoloration does occur, it usually takes a few days to develop. However, such a hematoma is still painful because it compresses the surrounding tissue layers. The spread of the hematoma can cause dysfunction of muscles or joints.

Treating a hematoma

If you have bumped your head in the home or fallen while playing sports, you should cool the affected area as soon as possible. This not only relieves the pain, but also causes less blood to leak into the tissue, as the blood vessels contract due to the cold. This can prevent the bruise from spreading too much. Also, elevate the affected area – this also reduces blood flow to the injured tissue. Later, you can also rub the affected area with a heparin ointment. The active ingredient heparin promotes the dissolution of blood clots. Ointments with arnica are also recommended, as they have an analgesic and decongestant effect. Depending on the severity of the injury, it usually takes one to three weeks for the bruise to heal completely.

Treating a hematoma with home remedies

Minor bruising can also be treated well with home remedies:

  • Take a warm bath and add three tablespoons of arnica essence to the bath water.
  • Wrap the affected area with a cloth soaked in acetic acid clay.
  • Rub the bruise with rubbing alcohol.
  • Put 250 grams of lean curd on a cloth and wrap it around the painful area.
  • Boil a kilo of potatoes until soft and then mash them to a pulp. Give the porridge on a sheet and place it on the bruise.

Hematoma – When to see a doctor?

If the hematoma is very large or is located in close proximity to a joint, surgical removal or placement of a drain may be necessary. Likewise, surgical intervention is unavoidable if a hematoma exerts pressure on adjacent structures, as is the case with so-called compartment syndrome. If such a hematoma is not treated, the tissue may die due to reduced blood flow. If there is a suspicion that a hematoma has formed in the head, a doctor should always be consulted. Very large hematomas as well as bruises that spread quickly should always be examined by a doctor.It is then possible that a larger blood vessel has been damaged. If such an injury is not treated in time, the high blood loss can lead to life-threatening shock. By means of an ultrasound examination or possibly a computer tomography, the doctor can easily determine the location and size of the hematoma. In addition, a visit to the doctor is also advisable if a hematoma is accompanied by very severe or permanent pain. The doctor can then rule out other injuries such as a fracture or infection. To rule out an injury to the bone, the doctor will usually perform an X-ray examination.