Treat anal fissure with homeopathy | Treat anal fissure

Treat anal fissure with homeopathy

A possible homeopathic remedy for anal fissures is Acidum nitricum. This homeopathic remedy has an anti-irritant and pain-reducing effect and is used for inflammations of the skin and mucous membranes, such as stomach ulcers. It is recommended for use with potencies D6 or D12.

Sulphur can also be used in addition to colds, asthma and haemorrhoids in anal fissures. The homeopathic preparation promotes wound healing and has an analgesic effect. It also reduces digestive tract complaints, which in turn leads to regular bowel movements. It is applied with the potencies D6 or D12. Further homeopathic remedies can be found in the separate article “Homeopathy for anal fissures”.

Anal fissure – OP

Surgery is mainly used for chronic, non-healing anal fissures. This is often performed under general anesthesia and involves cutting out the fissure and then covering it with surrounding skin. Due to this surgical method there is only a very low risk of incontinence.

Other rare risks include secondary bleeding and wound healing disorders. After the operation, thorough hygiene must be ensured and the instructions of the attending physician must be followed. In general, a detailed doctor-patient consultation should take place regarding the decision for or an operation in case of an anal fissure.