Treat Laryngitis

Laryngitis, technically known as laryngitis, is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. The larynx is located at the entrance of the trachea and ensures with its vocal folds that a person can speak. A distinction is made between an acute and a chronic, that is, longer lasting, form of laryngitis.

Acute laryngitis

Acute laryngitis often occurs during cold seasons as part of a cold. The inflammation usually travels from the nasopharynx to the throat; less commonly, it may rise from the bronchi or trachea. The typical symptom of laryngitis is hoarseness, which is often accompanied by a feeling of dryness in the throat and an urge to cough.

Causes of laryngitis

Viruses are usually the cause of laryngitis, but may be joined by an accompanying bacterial infection that exacerbates symptoms. Laryngitis caused purely by bacteria is rather rare. Very cold, warm or dry air or a sudden strong vocal load, such as when crying, can also irritate the mucous membrane and lead to an inflammatory reaction. In addition, cigarette smoking is a common cause of laryngitis. If viruses or bacteria are the triggers, laryngitis can be contagious. Usually the pathogens are also in the nasopharynx and are therefore more easily transmitted. Especially by coughing, sneezing, blowing the nose and talking, the risk of infection increases, one speaks of a “droplet infection“. Laryngitis is particularly contagious for smokers or people with already irritated mucous membranes.

Chronic laryngitis

When acute laryngitis fails to improve or symptoms persist for a long time, it is called chronic laryngitis. This form often develops because of prolonged exposure to substances that irritate the mucous membranes, such as nicotine or pollutants and industrial fumes. People with chronic inflammation in the sinuses or bronchi are also at risk for chronic disseminated laryngitis. Singers also occasionally suffer from chronic laryngitis due to ongoing excessive stress on the voice.

Symptoms of laryngitis

The typical symptoms of laryngitis are hoarseness, barking cough, and the feeling of having a “lump” in the throat. In acute laryngitis, the following symptoms occur:

  • The mucous membrane of the larynx swells, making it difficult to breathe.
  • Restricted mobility of the vocal folds leads to hoarseness.
  • Affected people usually suffer from other general symptoms of an infection such as severe sore throat and difficulty swallowing, and sometimes fever.
  • In rare cases, the mucous membrane can swell so much that there is very severe shortness of breath. Then a doctor should definitely be consulted.

In chronic laryngitis, symptoms include a less resilient voice and a lower pitch.

When to see a doctor?

If there is coughing up green mucus or even blood, or if other very severe symptoms occur, a visit to the doctor becomes essential. Also, hoarseness lasting longer than three weeks should definitely be examined by a doctor, because other causes such as a malignant disease of the larynx (laryngeal cancer) can also cause prolonged hoarseness.

Laryngitis in children

In children, laryngitis symptoms are often more severe because the larynx is still very small and swelling causes shortness of breath more quickly. If the inflammation is viral, it is called pseudocroup, which typically occurs in infants and children between six months and three years of age. A barking, spasmodic cough occurs in the evening or at night, the children are hoarse and experience severe shortness of breath, especially when breathing in. In this case, reassurance of the child is of enormous importance, because excitement and panic significantly worsen the symptoms. The best thing to do is to go with your child to the bathroom and open the faucet, thus moistening the air and making it easier for the child to breathe again. Most of the time the course is harmless, but it can come to such a severe shortness of breath that due to the risk of suffocation of the child a doctor must be called to help, who then administers cortisone to the child, usually in the form of a suppository, and thus achieves a decongestion of the mucous membrane.Intubation and thus short-term artificial respiration is very rarely required.

Epiglottitis: inflammation of the epiglottis.

A much worse but rarer form of laryngitis is bacterial inflammation of the epiglottis, which is technically called epiglottitis. However, this form has become much rarer due to the vaccination of children against Haemophilus influenza B. It is a very severe clinical picture with high fever and severe pain when swallowing. It mainly affects children between the ages of two and eight; they have “droning” speech and can hardly swallow their saliva, so that it often runs out of their mouths. In addition to the strikingly acute and rapid onset of symptoms, epiglottitis can be distinguished from pseudocroup primarily by the absence of any cough or hoarseness in the former. The mucous membrane of the epiglottis swells very quickly to such an extent that breathing becomes almost completely impossible. This condition can become life-threatening if a physician does not immediately secure breathing by cortisone or intubation. However, with proper treatment, the inflammation subsides quickly and leaves no further damage.

Laryngitis: Home remedies

Because laryngitis is usually viral, no specific treatment is possible. However, there are home remedies that can relieve the symptoms.

  • Affected patients should definitely spare their voice and also not whisper or clear their throat, as any mechanical stress can lead to permanent voice damage.
  • Water or tea is the cheapest home remedy. Drinking plenty of fluids helps to keep the mucous membranes moist.
  • Smokers are strongly advised to refrain from smoking.
  • Cold, warm or dry air (for example, in air-conditioned rooms) should be avoided. For sufficient humidity in the air of the room can provide damp cloths over the heater or small bowls of water on the window sill.
  • Lozenges relieve the symptoms, they moisten the air you breathe and stimulate salivation.
  • A very good home remedy are steam inhalations, for example with salt water (Ems brine) or tea, which have a pleasant effect.
  • A balanced and healthy diet with fruits and vegetables and regular exercise in the fresh air strengthen the immune system.

Laryngitis: the right treatment.

Nevertheless, the home remedies described can not always replace a visit to the doctor. In the case of severe respiratory distress, the short-term use of cortisone may be necessary until the mucosa is swollen down and sufficient air flow is ensured. If drug treatment is not sufficient, in rare cases the patient must be temporarily artificially ventilated through a tube in the trachea (intubation). If bacteria are involved, an antibiotic must be taken. An agonizing irritating cough can be relieved by taking a cough blocker during the night. During the day, expectorant medications can help with coughing. Paracetamol or ibuprofen are suitable for improving pain and fever. Homeopathy also offers a wide range of remedies to treat the symptoms of laryngitis. Priority is given to Causticum, Phosphorus, Arum triphyllum or Drosera in low potencies.

Duration of treatment

In most cases, acute laryngitis heals without consequences after a period of about ten days with appropriate treatment. Chronic laryngitis, on the other hand, is more persistent, but in principle, complete regression of symptoms is also possible. However, if causes such as smoking are not permanently stopped, functional limitations often remain. In the worst case, the cells of the laryngeal mucosa can degenerate and a malignant tumor develops. Smoking and alcohol promote the risk of developing laryngeal cancer in this case.