Treat Migraine Properly

About ten million people in Germany suffer from migraine. The symptoms of the disease are an enormous burden for those affected. During a migraine attack, a normal daily routine is unthinkable and the quality of life drops to a minimum. Despite these dramatic limitations, not even half of those affected seek medical treatment. Often they do not even know that the discomfort is caused by a migraine.

Symptoms of migraine

In this case, the disease can be determined by three questions with an accuracy of 93 percent. You have to answer “yes” to two of the following three questions? Then you should see a doctor:

  • During the past three months, have your activities been limited by headaches for a day or more?
  • Do you suffer from nausea or vomiting during your headaches?
  • Does light/brightness bother you during your headache attacks?

Migraineurs usually suffer from seizure-like, severe pain that is typically limited to one side of the head. The pain has a pulsating or throbbing character and intensifies with physical exertion. It is not uncommon for the migraine attack to be preceded by precursors such as flickering eyes or other visual disturbances, balance or sensory disturbances (aura). Elaborate special examinations are usually not necessary. However, since headaches can also be signs of other diseases, the diagnosis should be confirmed by a physician. In addition, he can initiate a suitable therapy against the “thunderstorm in the head“.

Treatment of migraine

In principle, therapy in an acute attack and preventive measures can be distinguished. For a mild migraine attack, the German Migraine and Headache Society (DMKG) recommends taking paracetamol or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen at an early stage and in sufficiently high doses. Moderate and severe migraine attacks are treated with triptans – active ingredients that act specifically against migraine and are most effective during acute attacks. They interrupt pain signals and relieve migraine symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. However, although triptans are the first-choice treatment for severe migraine, only ten percent of women with migraine in Germany receive such therapy. Headache experts are therefore calling for an increase in the quality of treatment.

Preventive migraine treatment

If migraine attacks occur more frequently, preventive treatment may be an option. The DMKG recommends the beta blockers metoprolol and propranolol, flunarizine (a substance also used for dizziness), and valproic acid and topiramate, which also help with epilepsy, as first-line substances. Second-choice substances include amitriptyline, venlafaxine, gabapentin, naproxen, acetylsalicylic acid, butterbur, magnesium, and vitamin B2. The combination of drug treatment with other measures often proves to be particularly effective. The focus is on an appropriate lifestyle (e.g., sufficient sleep and relaxation, avoidance of certain foods, e.g., red wine, cheese, chocolate, regular physical exercise); supportive relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, biofeedback techniques, and cognitive behavioral therapy are often used.

Counteract migraine attacks in a timely manner

The earlier you intervene when an attack is imminent, the milder it often is. If an attack is imminent, cancel all appointments, withdraw and lie down in bed. Don’t hesitate to take a medication – one study shows that patients who took a triptan early had higher odds of complete pain relief than sufferers who waited until the attack was moderate to severe. Unsure if you really have migraines or concerned about medication side effects? Talk to your doctor! This is even more important because migraine sufferers are also twice as likely to develop heart disease as other people. In a study by the National Institute of Health in Bethesda (USA), data from 520 migraine sufferers were compared with healthy controls. The migraine patients were found to have an accumulation of risk factors for cardiovascular disease. They had elevated cholesterol levels, increased blood pressure and smoked more frequently than the control subjects. A genetic predisposition was also evident.Thus, early heart attacks occurred more frequently in the parents. Tip: As a person affected, you should make regular use of check-up preventive examinations and pay attention to your cardiovascular risk factors. A regular fitness program with endurance sports is also recommended.