Treat Nausea (Sickness)

Behind nausea (with or without vomiting) can be various causes. Among others, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the abdominal cavity as well as infectious diseases are possible. Nausea is often accompanied by other symptoms such as dizziness, headache or diarrhea. We reveal what helps against nausea and which home remedies are particularly effective.

Causes of nausea

Nausea is not a disease in its own right, but a symptom that can have a wide variety of causes. Below is an overview of the most common causes:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Diseases of the abdominal cavity (for example, of the pancreas, appendix, gallbladder and liver).
  • Infectious diseases
  • Food intolerances
  • Side effect of medication (for example, after general anesthesia and radiation or chemotherapy).
  • Psychological causes
  • Irritation of the organ of equilibrium (for example, travel sickness).
  • Metabolic disorders

In addition, nausea can also occur during a concussion, sunstroke or as part of a migraine attack. It is also typical that pregnant women are more likely to experience symptoms during the early stages of pregnancy.

Timing of nausea may provide further clues

The time at which the nausea occurs, as well as possible accompanying circumstances, may provide further clues as to the cause of the discomfort:

  • Morning sickness and vomiting: typically occurs during pregnancy or after alcohol overconsumption.
  • Nausea and vomiting during or after eating: May indicate acute gastrointestinal inflammation, but may also be psychological.
  • Nausea and vomiting several hours after eating: Occurs, for example, in a gastric ulcer, as well as gastric emptying disorder.

7 home remedies for nausea

Nausea and vomiting

Nausea is often accompanied by the feeling of needing to vomit. Vomiting is a protective reflex by which the body tries to get rid of harmful substances as quickly as possible. Whether or not vomiting occurs is decided by the vomiting center in the brain. It is activated by stimuli from different parts of the body, for example the gastrointestinal tract or the inner ear. Nausea and vomiting are often accompanied by symptoms such as pallor, dizziness, increased salivation and sweating. A gastrointestinal infection or food intolerance or poisoning is often behind the symptoms. Nausea and vomiting are also typical symptoms of pregnancy. If vomiting occurs more frequently, this can result in a severe loss of fluids and electrolytes. Over time, weight loss may also occur, as well as damage to the teeth. Therefore, if you find yourself vomiting more frequently, you should always seek medical attention to determine the cause of your symptoms.

Other accompanying symptoms

In addition to vomiting, nausea can also cause a number of other symptoms. These include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Abdominal pain
  • Dizziness

Any of the symptoms, in conjunction with nausea, can indicate a variety of conditions. In the case of dizziness, you should think about problems with the cervical spine, as well as a disease of the inner ear – for example, Meniere’s disease or inflammation of the vestibular nerve. If your symptoms do not improve after a few days or if you suffer from severe pain, you should definitely consult a doctor and have the cause of your symptoms clarified. After all, there may be a serious illness behind your nausea that requires urgent medical treatment.

Nausea – What to do?

Nausea (with or without vomiting) is a very common symptom that can occur with a wide variety of illnesses. It is therefore crucial that you also tell your doctor about possible accompanying symptoms – this usually simplifies the diagnosis. Nausea that does not have serious causes can usually be treated well with over-the-counter medications or home remedies. In other cases, medical measures – sometimes even emergency treatment – are absolutely necessary.Suitable medications for treating nausea include H1 antihistamines such as dimenhydrinate, meclozine, and promethazine, and prokinetics such as metoclopramide. If nausea is accompanied by severe vomiting, it is especially important that you prevent dehydration of the body. This is manifested by symptoms such as a dry mouth, weakness, no or little urine, and apathy. To prevent dehydration, keep taking small sips of still water or herbal tea.

4 Home remedies for nausea

If nausea occurs, it is recommended to avoid fatty or spicy foods. If vomiting occurs, you should even avoid food altogether for a while. If you feel a little better, you can slowly introduce your body to some food that is gentle on the stomach. For example, rusks, mashed bananas or mashed potatoes are good choices. In addition, the following home remedies are also recommended for nausea:

  • Drink a cup of warm peppermint, chamomile or ginger tea.
  • Go for a walk in the fresh air. If you feel wobbly on your feet, sit with a chair on the balcony or in the garden. Alternatively, it also helps to ventilate thoroughly once.
  • Suck out a freshly cut slice of lemon or add a few drops of lemon juice in a glass of water.
  • Carrots contain a lot of fiber, which binds toxins in the intestine and thus helps nausea to subside more quickly. Try it once with a carrot soup or a carrot porridge.