Treatment and therapy | Mouth rot in children and infants

Treatment and therapy

The therapy is usually symptomatic, i.e. the symptoms are treated and not the cause. It is important to visit the pediatrician in order to make an exact diagnosis and choose the appropriate therapy accordingly. Above all, it is important to ensure a sufficient fluid intake in order to avoid dehydration of the body.

The antipyretic drug paracetamol is often used to reduce fever. In children it is often given in the form of a juice or suppository. In addition, an anaesthetic gel (e.g. teething gel) can be applied to the sore spots.

It is recommended to drink cold chamomile tea, this is said to have a healing effect and at the same time relieve the pain by cooling. The children should rest and not go to kindergarten during the time until the mouth rot is completely healed. There are also other homeopathic remedies such as clove oil, which is said to have an analgesic effect.

Soft, low-salt and cool food makes eating more bearable and a portion of ice cream is said to relieve the pain and counteract the inflammation by cooling it. This might also be of interest to you: Fever in small children Since mouth rot is a viral disease caused by the herpes simplex virus, antibiotics are not used for therapy. Antibiotics are only effective for bacterial infections.

One possibility would be the use of virustatics, such as Aciclovir. However, these are only used in very serious cases and their use in children is only indicated in exceptional cases. A proven household remedy against mouth rot is chamomile tea.

This should be allowed to cool down well before drinking it and should best be additionally cooled in the refrigerator. It has a calming effect and by cooling it also has an analgesic effect. Since a sufficient supply of liquid is also very important, a straw can make drinking easier.

Soft, cool food and even ice can help to relieve pain. Unsuitable are hot, spicy or sour food, also salty food should be avoided.Fruit juice can also cause additional burning due to the fruit acid. Cold compresses such as calf compresses help to reduce fever.

Homeopathic alternatives for the treatment of mouth rot in children are oil of cloves, colloidal silver or a myrrh tincture. For treatment, soak the oil of cloves or the myrrh tincture with a cotton swab and dab the blisters with it. The colloidal silver is used undiluted as a mouthwash, it should be kept in the mouth as long as possible and then spat out.

A concentration of 10 ppm or 25 ppm (parts per million) is completely sufficient in this case. The myrrh tincture, on the other hand, has a bitter taste and can additionally burn the wounds. Although it is said to have a good healing effect, it is not readily accepted by children because of its taste and the additional burning sensation.