Treatment and therapy | The scrotum itches – What is behind it?

Treatment and therapy

Depending on the cause, the treatment is very individually different. If a pathogen is the cause, a drug can be administered, regardless of whether it is a fungus, bacteria, mites, lice or similar. The symptoms should then get better in a short time.

It is important to follow the instructions for taking the medication, as a shortened intake of antibiotics, for example, promotes the development of resistance. If inadequate hygiene or skin care is the reason for the complaints, regular cleaning of the intimate area and changing underwear should help. For dry and irritated skin it is recommended to use a skin care cream or lotion containing urea. However, a dermatologist can recommend the most suitable care products for the individual.

Duration and forecast

Duration and prognosis are highly dependent on the underlying disease and the size and severity of the findings. In general, however, the prognosis is good and should in most cases disappear in time if adequate treatment is applied. However, it is important to continue the therapy until the end, otherwise the symptoms may return.

However, intimate hygiene and care should always be taken into account. In spite of the itching, one should urgently avoid scratching the skin, as micro lesions and open wounds create an entry point for normal skin germs and pests. This can make the symptoms worse and last longer.